No, you misunderstand (also, I wouldn't recommend name calling, it weakens your overall point).
Firstly, in no way, shape or form am I saying that the rules don't apply to me or that I somehow shouldn't get in trouble if I'm caught breaking them. Obviously I'm subject to the same rules and penalties as everyone else.
My point is that not all rules/laws are created equal and it's up to the individual to determine how they want to react to the more questionable ones. Take the thread about flying LOS: technically it's illegal to fly outside of your line of sight, but I'm willing to bet that quite a few drone owners do it on occasion. Does this mean those drone owners are stupid, reckless and above the law? Of course not, provided they're being safe, measured and cautious about going out of line of sight, I'd argue that those drone flyers are doing nothing wrong, despite rigid interpretation of the law saying otherwise.
I feel the same ideas apply in all areas of flying your drone. The poster above you sarcastically mentioned going and flying a drone by the pentagon. Is that an ok way to interpret the law? Obviously not, that falls into the stupid and reckless category, much like flying your drone right up into the face of Mount Rushmore would be stupid and reckless. However, take someplace like Death Valley: it's a massive, fairly barren space with people generally scattered sparsely throughout. Do I think that safely taking a drone up 300 feet to get some desert panoramas in a sparsely populated area of that national park would be a problem? Personally, no, I don't. Yes, a strict interpretation of the law says otherwise and if caught you could be subject to penalties, but in that case I would feel the risk is worth the reward.