So if I get the compass warning, do I have the choice to takeoff anyway - or won't it allow me to takeoff at all? I won't be able to move anyway to calibrate as the whole boat has plenty of metal. As the boat will move, I won't be using RTH and will be flying manually with clear line of sight. There's plenty of deck area for landing or I can hand land if need be.
So I suppose it comes down to ... should I or or in fact, can I fly, if the compass hasn't calibrated?
First, why would you want to calibrate the compass?
It's not necessary and should never be needed unless you modify your drone.
Forget about calibrating the compass.
Next, flying from a boat is tricky and it's an unforgiving environment.
One mistake out there and you go home with one less drone than you took out.
You need to be proficient at all the procedured you'll use on the boat and have practised on land.
Out on the boat is not the place to learn new tricks.
You need to be good at hand launching and catching.
You also have to be able to reset the home point withing having to think about it.
The important thing is to prevent your Mavic from wanting to go back where it was launched because it thinks the battery level is only just enough for that long trip back.
ps .. although people keep saying "metal" what they mean is iron or steel.
brass, copper, aluminium, lead, zinc etc won't have any effect on your compass.