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Lessons learned from losing my Mavic 2 Pro over a lake


New Member
Nov 2, 2020
Western Colorado
My outcome was relatively positive in that DJI offered me a 30% discount on the purchase of (only) the exact same model that I lost; I took them up on it, and I'm happily flying the replacement... and so much the wiser now, though a thousand poorer!

Event Details:
--Flying over a lake, in daytime and with no video recording underway (I was on a photography mission). I was maneuvering the drone for a shot of the nearby shoreline when...
--A sudden "Aircraft Disconnected" notification appeared on the Smart Controller (in clear LOS, distance about 1 mile), with no previous indications of any trouble.
--No further connection with or response from the drone, despite trying various inputs on the SC.
--I happened to be watching the drone location when I saw a big splash, and deduced that it must have hit the water. (The drone was a couple hundred feet high when it disconnected). This occurred approximately 2 minutes after disconnection and was not a case of exhausted battery. I subsequently judged there was no possibility of retrieval.

DJI Interactions:
--As a current member of DJI Care Refresh, I submitted a claim within 1 day. The response was automated, and indicated that the next step was to send in the drone for evaluation (they emailed me a shipping label).
--I realized there was no avenue on the web site for pursuing help with a lost (fly-away) drone, even though in the "description of what happened" section of my Refresh claim I did in fact explain the details of the incident.
--After pondering and researching for few days, I called DJI Support with my claim number and explained the situation to the agent. He was polite and helpful, and recommended converting my case to a fly-away incident. I asked how to do this, and he volunteered to do it during the call.
--Within about a day I got an email from DJI Support asking for my flight log (from the SC, not the drone). They evaluated it and responded with a simple statement that no malfunctions were indicated, but that they would offer a 30% discount on a replacement. Rather than argue with them--I knew from reading this forum that 30% would be their best offer under these circumstances--I chose to accept it, and the replacement process proceeded without delay, all by email.
--My communications from DJI Support after the claim got converted to a fly-away were nothing but professional, courteous, and helpful. Through them, I learned that the replacement drone would automatically be bound to my existing Care Refresh policy for the duration of its term. I gave them a very positive satisfaction rating.

Lots of research on this forum led me to understand a few key points that now make me a better-informed and more confident flyer:
--Flying over water is risky, and water damage and loss claims are excluded by the Care Refresh terms.
--Aircraft Disconnects happen fairly often, especially with Smart Controllers; in my own history of flying my M2P for 6 months, I've had about 6 disconnect events, and most ended benignly, except this one.
--The "Aircraft Disconnected" problem seems to be with the DJI GO 4 app, and restarting this on the SC may lead to reconnection (I haven't been able to try this yet). In any case, here is the key point: the SC seems to still maintain a link to the drone, and the drone will respond correctly to control inputs, even though there is no feedback--better hope you can see the drone! The hard RTH button on the SC will still work, so it should save the day if this feature is set up properly.
--I believe that the loss of my drone was not due to anything I did wrong, and that the loss should qualify for full replacement. However, the Care Refresh terms are clearly stated, and I agreed to them, so I chose the glass-half-full perspective on how DJI handled this particular case. I reviewed the many successful and even joyful photography flights I had made prior to losing the drone; I rediscovered all my reasons for choosing the M2P in the first place; and I decided it was worth the $1K to me to pick myself up and keep going. Some anguish along the way, but now I'm in a good state of mind about it all, and I thought it would be worth sharing my experience with other Mavic flyers.
Fantastic state of mind , and some good results with DJI .

You might consider getting a Rescue Jacket for your Mavic Pro 2.

We have found that every flight over the water carries some risk also , but once we have flown that area and determined
that there are no occurring issues than we do away with the Rescue Jacket if needed .
Gear to fly you Mavic 2 Pro in the Rain and land on the Water.
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Sorry to hear about the loss, and good to hear you are up and flying again. I have 2 comments on your case:
  • Personally, I would have pursued the heck out of the reasons for the incident, posting the logs here to figure out the best explanation. For one thing, it may have been an aircraft (not user) probably, no matter what they say. But mostly, it would tell you what to watch out for with the next drone
  • "Flying over water is risky": it's really hard for me to imagine that flying 300' over land is less risky. Ground is hard. It really doesn't matter if your broken electronics were not water damaged.
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Sorry to hear about the loss, and good to hear you are up and flying again. I have 2 comments on your case:
  • Personally, I would have pursued the heck out of the reasons for the incident, posting the logs here to figure out the best explanation. For one thing, it may have been an aircraft (not user) probably, no matter what they say. But mostly, it would tell you what to watch out for with the next drone
  • "Flying over water is risky": it's really hard for me to imagine that flying 300' over land is less risky. Ground is hard. It really doesn't matter if your broken electronics were not water damaged.
“Ground is hard”. True, but if it’s accessible you have a drone to return to DJI for Care Refresh. 100% off versus 30% off.
thanks for sharing!
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So I don’t have a Smart Controller, but I assume it updates home location dynamically with GPS. I mistakenly thought I could do it with my M2P.
I was flying over a lake following the boat I was in. The battery got low and it kept trying to return to the original home point. I was redirecting with the controller trying to maneuver and catch it. I didn’t think at the time to update the home point manually. In the moment, you forget proper protocol.
I think the DJI Refresh is overpriced. Retrieval isn’t always possible. I have State Farm insurance, $60/year for my all of my drones. Also, I have the wetsuit and rescue jacket for my MA2, the only one I use over water. My preference is for retrieval and repair, but State Farm as a backup for total loss.
a mile away, lots of opportunity for interférence over that distance. Was yr own mobile phone in Airplane mode? Was yr antenna perpendicular to the drone? Did u have “return to home on disconnect” set? Where I live we must be VLOS at all times.
What you described sounds like the battery swelled up and popped out of its connection and then it simply dropped straight down.
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Thanks for the write-up. I also have a M2P and have been tempted to get some lake footage while on the boat but your story is one to counter-weigh the temptation. Hope you get many great flights with your new AC.
i live on a lake fly over water all the time, M2P. I have not invested in the wetsuit, probably should... But I did invest in the float system. it has very little effect on the flight time, maybe a minute or two. But you can land on the water- it also gives you a little more to see. BUT I want to find the carcass if I crash!
I'm on the water and all of my flights start over a 3 x 2 mile lake. Over the last 4 years I've had many disconnects and if not reconnected the drone would fly home. The only serious issue was when the obstacle avoidance was confused by water reflections and I got an obstacle avoidance message in the middle of the lake. I was brand new to drones at that time, not sure what was going on, confused but managed to retrace my steps flying over the shoreline (not across the lake) getting home with just 7% power left. Where I read many drone forums I never came across this issue to be aware of it.
My outcome was relatively positive in that DJI offered me a 30% discount on the purchase of (only) the exact same model that I lost; I took them up on it, and I'm happily flying the replacement... and so much the wiser now, though a thousand poorer!

Event Details:
--Flying over a lake, in daytime and with no video recording underway (I was on a photography mission). I was maneuvering the drone for a shot of the nearby shoreline when...
--A sudden "Aircraft Disconnected" notification appeared on the Smart Controller (in clear LOS, distance about 1 mile), with no previous indications of any trouble.
--No further connection with or response from the drone, despite trying various inputs on the SC.
--I happened to be watching the drone location when I saw a big splash, and deduced that it must have hit the water. (The drone was a couple hundred feet high when it disconnected). This occurred approximately 2 minutes after disconnection and was not a case of exhausted battery. I subsequently judged there was no possibility of retrieval.

DJI Interactions:
--As a current member of DJI Care Refresh, I submitted a claim within 1 day. The response was automated, and indicated that the next step was to send in the drone for evaluation (they emailed me a shipping label).
--I realized there was no avenue on the web site for pursuing help with a lost (fly-away) drone, even though in the "description of what happened" section of my Refresh claim I did in fact explain the details of the incident.
--After pondering and researching for few days, I called DJI Support with my claim number and explained the situation to the agent. He was polite and helpful, and recommended converting my case to a fly-away incident. I asked how to do this, and he volunteered to do it during the call.
--Within about a day I got an email from DJI Support asking for my flight log (from the SC, not the drone). They evaluated it and responded with a simple statement that no malfunctions were indicated, but that they would offer a 30% discount on a replacement. Rather than argue with them--I knew from reading this forum that 30% would be their best offer under these circumstances--I chose to accept it, and the replacement process proceeded without delay, all by email.
--My communications from DJI Support after the claim got converted to a fly-away were nothing but professional, courteous, and helpful. Through them, I learned that the replacement drone would automatically be bound to my existing Care Refresh policy for the duration of its term. I gave them a very positive satisfaction rating.

Lots of research on this forum led me to understand a few key points that now make me a better-informed and more confident flyer:
--Flying over water is risky, and water damage and loss claims are excluded by the Care Refresh terms.
--Aircraft Disconnects happen fairly often, especially with Smart Controllers; in my own history of flying my M2P for 6 months, I've had about 6 disconnect events, and most ended benignly, except this one.
--The "Aircraft Disconnected" problem seems to be with the DJI GO 4 app, and restarting this on the SC may lead to reconnection (I haven't been able to try this yet). In any case, here is the key point: the SC seems to still maintain a link to the drone, and the drone will respond correctly to control inputs, even though there is no feedback--better hope you can see the drone! The hard RTH button on the SC will still work, so it should save the day if this feature is set up properly.
--I believe that the loss of my drone was not due to anything I did wrong, and that the loss should qualify for full replacement. However, the Care Refresh terms are clearly stated, and I agreed to them, so I chose the glass-half-full perspective on how DJI handled this particular case. I reviewed the many successful and even joyful photography flights I had made prior to losing the drone; I rediscovered all my reasons for choosing the M2P in the first place; and I decided it was worth the $1K to me to pick myself up and keep going. Some anguish along the way, but now I'm in a good state of mind about it all, and I thought it would be worth sharing my experience with other Mavic flyers.
This experience is interesting. I have the model RM500 controller and should not have a disconnect issue, well the key phrase is "should not". I did in fact have a one time incident where I got such a notice, don't recall the firmware version at the time. The screen froze and I had no idea what to do. The only thing that saved me was that the drone was reasonably close and at a low altitude. I happen to bump one of the sticks and noticed the drone responded. I tried again and sure enough the drone responded a second time. I successfully landed the drone. This disconnect has not happened since and I have a total of 168 logged flights with the drone. Yes, flying over the water is risky, but where I live, it is a risk I have to take.
--The "Aircraft Disconnected" problem seems to be with the DJI GO 4 app, and restarting this on the SC may lead to reconnection (I haven't been able to try this yet). In any case, here is the key point: the SC seems to still maintain a link to the drone, and the drone will respond correctly to control inputs, even though there is no feedback--better hope you can see the drone! The hard RTH button on the SC will still work, so it should save the day if this feature is set up properly.

I had this very problem and the drone is not disconnected. I believe that it is simply a DJI GO 4 app crash. Everything still works control wise, you just can't do anything camera related since the app crashed. Opening the app back up restores all functionality.

I swore I had posted on this topic before and thought maybe my post was deleted. But, I noticed you started a new thread. In case someone runs across this, here is my post with similar issues and how I solved it. Unfortunately, I don't think there is anyway at this point to downgrade to the firmware I am using on the SC currently.

In doing a quick internet search, it appears this problem still exists. At least it isn't as prevalent as it was under RC v.820.
Flying over water is a dicey proposition, period, and there are good reasons why DJI specifically advises against doing so.

1. The drone's downward facing optical collision avoidance sensors are unreliable over water. Water is generally transparent, and even small waves can give a fluttering reflection that can confuse the avoidance software. You lose the downward failsafe over water.

2. The RF signals between the drone and the controller can reflect off the surface of the water, and the shallower the path angle the more likely that is to happen. Flying low over a short distance or flying higher over a longer distance (like the mile referred to in the OP) both represent a low angle for reflections. The RF will be mostly absorbed over land but over water it is more likely to reflect and cause constructive/destructive interference with the direct path through the air. It's not difficult to imagine the drone control software getting confused when subjected to a barrage of fluttery signals of strongly varying amplitude and phase (the phase jitter probably being the worst of the two).

If you insist upon flying over water, the lower and further away you do so increases your risk of problems.
Here is a two step "pre-flight" routine that may help many of you who lose signal, lose video, lose any comms between your smartphone and the drone.
The basic principle is this: your smartphone is a small COMPUTER. When you fly, the phone needs all the processing power it has to manage the high-data video feeds and flight commands. You want the smartphone to just be doing "drone stuff."

1). Go to AIRPLANE MODE. This shuts off cellular, Bluetooth, and WiFi (the WiFi used to comm with drone comes from remote controller anyway, not your phone.....)
2). CLOSE all OPEN APPS! These hog computer and processing power from your phone, even if app is idle. The only open app should just be the DJI one.

In my case, this made a huge difference. I had an older iPhone at the time, and these two moves solved my LOS problem. Later, when I upgraded to a more advanced version iPhone, the droning worked even better.
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If you were flying it close enough to observe the drone's responses, (as the law requires) you would most probably have been able to fly it back as you were only likely to have lost video telemetry, not flight control. If control was lost, it should have RTH'd or hovered until the battery was exhausted, so it may have been your inputs that resulted in the big splash.
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In March, I was flying approx. 600-700 feet (not far at all) off the coast of Maui when the image froze on my Smart Controller. No visible interference over or near the Pacific Ocean. I tried to turn the M2P with nothing apparent on the screen or on the drone. At that point, I was forced to rely on M2P's auto return to home feature. Eventually the M2P returned above home at its prescribed height and tried to land on an SUV that parked on my "home departure point". Because I believed that I had a total disconnect with total loss of control, I was afraid to touch anything. At the last second however, I was forced to try using the SC controls to avoid the SUV. Bottom line: The M2P landed safely, and as programmed. Wonderful machine; don't leave home without it.
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