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3 lightning between the clouds

Welcome to the Lightning Club ! :rolleyes: :cool:

Most addictive and challenging shots for any drone. Once you capture A bolt its easy to get hooked.
These are Stunning and award winning pics.

Gear to fly in the RAIN ! Capture the Storm.
It would be nice to know how you captured those terrific shots, e.g., camera settings.
Thanks for shating.
The Auto Settings do an incredible job to Capture the Lightning in the Dark Skies .

Gear to fly to Capture the Bolts in the Storm.
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So, being a real non-techer (if there is a such a word) I still don’t understand how you got a still of lightening unless you just kept your finger on the shoot button to take multiple exposures (with the settings you quite). Do I have that right? As Photomrain says above he’s never got a still of lightening and takes his shots from vids.
Wooooowch!!! That's a superior capture of lightning!
So, being a real non-techer (if there is a such a word) I still don’t understand how you got a still of lightening unless you just kept your finger on the shoot button to take multiple exposures (with the settings you quite). Do I have that right? As Photomrain says above he’s never got a still of lightening and takes his shots from vids.
Thinking he might have used the Burst with a fast shutter speed, i hope we find out.
Gear to fly in the Rain. Capture the Lightning
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So, being a real non-techer (if there is a such a word) I still don’t understand how you got a still of lightening unless you just kept your finger on the shoot button to take multiple exposures (with the settings you quite). Do I have that right? As Photomrain says above he’s never got a still of lightening and takes his shots from vids.
I shoot in burstmode a series of 7 photos
So I take continuous photos one after the other, of the 200 to 250 photos there are some bang on it
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