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Litchi “Aircraft Encoder Error Solution” error


Active Member
Nov 28, 2017
Portland, OR
Trying Litchi for the first time today. While DJI Go works fine, Litchi always has this error message displayed (even if I close it):

“Aircraft Encoder Error Solution: Please restart the aircraft, if the problem persists, contact DJI Support”.

I’m running the latest version of Litchi on an iPad Pro with the latest iOS. Mavic Pro Platinum, and everything related, is also on the latest firmware. And I have made sure DJI Go isn’t running in the background.

Is this normal? How do I fix it?
Try to format your SD card in the Mavic. Restart aircraft.
If this doesn't help, insert a new SD card and try again.
I have had that error also but it goes away after 3-5 seconds. I just figured it's a start up issue and have flown without any issues
I should also mention iPad mini 2 iOS 11.2 and I haven't open DJI Go in about 2 months
TL;DR: DO NOT USE LITCHI WITH MAVIC PRO PLATINUM. They are incompatible, according to Litchi Support, and Litchi Support also think DJI should be the ones to fix it, so it is unlikely that Litchi and the Platinum will be working together well for a long time. (See quote from them at the bottom of this post)

Try to format your SD card in the Mavic. Restart aircraft.
If this doesn't help, insert a new SD card and try again.

Tried that. No difference.

Be sure that DJI Go 4 is completely shutdown before starting Litchi.
Addressed that in my first post. Please actually read the last line in the third paragraph and you will see.

I have had that error also but it goes away after 3-5 seconds. I just figured it's a start up issue and have flown without any issues
I should also mention iPad mini 2 iOS 11.2 and I haven't open DJI Go in about 2 months
Unfortunately for me, I can close the error, but it always pops back up again a minute or so later.

Here is a response from Litchi support I received a week or 2 ago.....
Mavic Pro Platinum gimbal shake

Mitch, thank you for posting something of significance to this thread. Specifically the below quote from Litchi Support, which I found on the thread you linked. Seems this might be a negative interaction between Litchi and the Mavic Pro Platinum specifically. It is a bit sad, however, that they're hoping DJI will fix it on their end. This is never how the relationship between third party developers and their chosen platform works out.

Litchi Support said:
We don’t have one to test/confirm, however it’s possible that DJI will have to make a few modifications in their code before it’s fully compatible (in theory it shouldn’t be needed as mavic pro is very similar to mavic pro platinum however some users have been reporting “aircraft encoder” error which doesn’t happen with a normal mavic pro).
I sent Litchi Support an email to inquire if they've received the latest SDK from DJI in regards to the MPP....

DEC 12, 2017 | 10:14AM UTC
Litchi replied:

We haven’t yet. Please do keep in mind that it is likely this error can be safely ignored and muted.

Kind Regards,
Online help at Help - Litchi
DEC 12, 2017 | 06:40AM UTC
Mitch replied:
Have you received the SDK (hoped to be provided to Litchi in December) from DJI to fix the encoder error on the Mavic Platinum?
I get this with Ltchi and simply ignore it. I've flown dozens (if not more) Litchi missions with my Platinum with no issues what so ever after ignoring it.

I get this with Ltchi and simply ignore it. I've flown dozens (if not more) Litchi missions with my Platinum with no issues what so ever after ignoring it.


Have you encountered any random gimbal issues while flying a mission? I sent my first Mavic platinum back because the gimbal would occasionally go crazy during a mission.
Have you encountered any random gimbal issues while flying a mission? I sent my first Mavic platinum back because the gimbal would occasionally go crazy during a mission.

No sir. It's been rock solid since day #1. I run Litchi several times a week on different sites for clients and thus far rock solid performance once I learned about "Focusing" the sill thing LOL.
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Yup - I had this with both MPP's and never with my MP. I sent the MPP's back with other defects and just got a Phantom 4 Pro.
My Mavic still flies fine with Litchi.
Something odd is going on with the MPP but DJI ain't saying.
Yup - I had this with both MPP's and never with my MP. I sent the MPP's back with other defects and just got a Phantom 4 Pro.
My Mavic still flies fine with Litchi.
Something odd is going on with the MPP but DJI ain't saying.

It maybe that Litchi isn't fully compatible with the MPP yet, hence not a DJI issue. Just a guess. Litchi has said they don't have the latest SDK from DJI and are hoping to receive it this month/December. They doubt they'll be much difference in the SDK since the drones are so similar to one another. It's a mystery at this point.
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For the record, I've had zero issues with my MPP and DJI Go 4. (Well, I shouldn't say zero issues, but the issues I have been having are the same issues people tend to have with the non-Platinum mavic.)
It maybe that Litchi isn't fully compatible with the MPP yet, hence not a DJI issue. Just a guess. Litchi has said they don't have the latest SDK from DJI and are hoping to receive it this month/December. They doubt they'll be much difference in the SDK since the drones are so similar to one another. It's a mystery at this point.
But that would also disagree with the conventional belief that the MPP and MP are the same except for the new ESC's.
But that would also disagree with the conventional belief that the MPP and MP are the same except for the new ESC's.

This is my guess: The MP and MPP are basically identical except for ESCs, however, the MPP's firmware is just slightly out of sync with the MP's firmware, because they haven't sync'd firmware releases for them yet (because the MPP is so new). If this is true then at some upcoming firmware release, both the MP and MPP will be (just inventing numbers here) running 100% of the same codebase (instead of possibly 95% it is now). At which point they'll update the SDK to reflect the slightly changed firmware, and then Litchi can make a new build.
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