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Litchi / Mavic controller issues

Skyler King III

Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2017
I sent my mavic on a Litchi saved mission planned for 11 minutes.

I had set 20 mph for speed. For some reason it was going 5 mph. It was unresponsive to my manual speed input.

I tried lowering to 300' from 400' to get out of some winds aloft. It refused to descend.

Then lost radio (I kew that was coming due to mission)

On way back to last waypoint signal returned when 3600 feet away. It still would not descend on command.

Obviously this speed issue resulted in a LONGER flight time and more battery.

I canceled the running saved mission.

Did a RTH. Battery was now 27%

By the time it was 300' away it was at 19%

It initiated an auto precision landing with 17% battery left.

I rechecked my Litchi mission settings and the speeds and altitudes were proper.

Any thoughts on inability top control speed or altitude?

BTW: On the Litchi mission, I could not control the gimbal angle with the left wheel.

Thanks, in advance, for input.
I'm having a similar issue with Litchi and the Mavic. I set my speed at 30, turn off collision avoidance (otherwise speed limited to 22) and sent it on its way. It climbed to the altitude set and then just hovered there, went a little to the left, then a little to the right (I honestly think these small movements were simply due to some wind). It was as if the Mavic was trying to fly forward but couldn't move. This is not the first time this issue has happened. I will have to do some more testing with Litchi. I'm on the latest beta version, which added the infinity focus (nice option by the way). Otherwise, it appears something is wrong. And there were no obstructions (besides I had collision avoidance turned off).

Anyone else see this anomaly???
Is this in the US? And if so how are you keeping legal LOS? Sounds like you are flying quite far away. These automated Litchi missions are deffianly not helping to keep out relaxed drone laws.
To my experience a mission does not allow any controller input except the buttons Pause, RTH and Sport. If I recognize a mission does not run as expected I switch to Sport which immediately cancels the mission and give you back full control. A mission that goes beyond LOS or even signal loss is illegal in most countries.
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Is this in the US? And if so how are you keeping legal LOS? Sounds like you are flying quite far away. These automated Litchi missions are deffianly not helping to keep out relaxed drone laws.

Javioul, you apparently misunderstood my post. I never said nor suggested my mission took the drone "quite far away" or beyond LOS, so I'm confused as to where you reached that conclusion. I simply said my Mavic Pro would not move forward after I uploaded the mission from the Litchi app. In other words, the drone received the commands from Litchi and then just hovered there. Incidentally, I tried the same mission with my Phantom 4 and it flew the mission just fine.

Since I no longer had control of my hovering Mavic Pro, I had to switch to "sport" mode to cancel the mission and land the drone. It was strange. This has never happened to me on the P4.

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