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Lost 1st drone..... like a rookie

But why would they not practice the same behavior on any policy?
See the first sentence in the last paragraph in post #17

I don't think this is the place to get into the mechanics of how the insurance industry works, I simply posted what my agent told me
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179 flight hours.... lost the drone over a foot inaccessible area when signal cut out... GPS homepoint didn't set is my guess
I don't understand this. You have 179 flight hours and you didn't bother to set a home point? And that's only a guess? You're not sure. And I agree with previous comment that home point would eventually be set. Did you set RTH altitude? That would insure you getting reconnected.
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I don't understand this. You have 179 flight hours and you didn't bother to set a home point? And that's only a guess? You're not sure. And I agree with previous comment that home point would eventually be set. Did you set RTH altitude? That would insure you getting reconnected.
I had a home point, I originally though i rushed it trying to get a shot but I didnt based n the logs. best bet is i had a failure with a battery that popped out on a climb that made me lose signal. Only thing at this point that makes sense.
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I had a home point, I originally though i rushed it trying to get a shot but I didnt based n the logs. best bet is i had a failure with a battery that popped out on a climb that made me lose signal. Only thing at this point that makes sense.
Ok. That makes more sense. I lost my mavic pro Platinum when the battery came out in flight. Very bad design on DJI's part. Fortunately they've corrected it on their newer models. I wouldn't get another air 2s. I would get a drone where the battery is kept inside.
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if you're already stuck with a drone where the battery can come off, but if you have to buy I new drone anyway, why not get one where the battery goes inside?
Let's be open to this, when one is in the market for a drone, I'm guessing that battery placement is not high on the list of considerations, I imagine that high on the list is Flight Time (Time flying on one battery), Range (how far out can the drone be controlled safety), Cameral Quality (number of megapixels, shutter speed, ISO, JPG/RAW, etc…), Video Quality (2.7K, 4K, 5.2K by 30 and 60 FPS, etc…), Size (wind bucking ability, etc…), Brand Name Support (warranty, repair, technical support, etc…)… and more…

Now, admittedly, one who has had a loose battery issue, than it gets more consideration…

My suggestion of the Velcro Wrap was only for the folks who are "caught out on the cold" with batteries that might become dislodged during flight. The Velcro adds almost no perceivable weight and can be wrapped so tightly that one could actually crush the drone…
Let's be open to this, when one is in the market for a drone, I'm guessing that battery placement is not high on the list of considerations, I imagine that high on the list is Flight Time (Time flying on one battery), Range (how far out can the drone be controlled safety), Cameral Quality (number of megapixels, shutter speed, ISO, JPG/RAW, etc…), Video Quality (2.7K, 4K, 5.2K by 30 and 60 FPS, etc…), Size (wind bucking ability, etc…), Brand Name Support (warranty, repair, technical support, etc…)… and more…

Now, admittedly, one who has had a loose battery issue, than it gets more consideration…

My suggestion of the Velcro Wrap was only for the folks who are "caught out on the cold" with batteries that might become dislodged during flight. The Velcro adds almost no perceivable weight and can be wrapped so tightly that one could actually crush the drone…
That's what I said. If you already have a drone that has the battery "problem" the velcro is a good idea. But if your buying a new drone, getting one with the battery inside is preferable. Also all the parameters you mentioned will probably be better too. Except it might be more expensive. DJI drones never seem to get cheaper!
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