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Mavic 2 Ocusync 2.0 - Signal/Reception


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2018
Ok, so I’m new to the Ocusync world, I’ve had in the past a Spark and then a Mavic Air both WiFi base. Both had moderate to decent range for my use, but with some reception issues here and there depending on my area.

Today was my first real flight out with the Mavic 2 Zoom. I was in town at a large local park. Decided to test it’s range nothing extreme. I went out about 4760 feet and was met with connection issues around 3500 or so and signal problems with the RC.

I was under the impression that there was no signal loss, reception issues or disconnects with Ocusync 2.0. I would imagine that there would be some at the long end of the range but at only a mile or less out has me wondering if Ocusync can and does have reception issues as well, just not as bad as WiFi based?

What’s your thoughts on connection/signal issues and Ocusync? Do reception issues still exist?

Thanks for the help. Just curious.
Tree's and other obstructions will reduce your Occusync connectivity.

How are these type of videos pulled off? He definitely lost LOS many times as he went between buildings. I don't think I would ever attempt someting like this.
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How are these type of videos pulled off? He definitely lost LOS many times as he went between buildings. I don't think I would ever attempt someting like this.
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Range extender? Good question.
How are these type of videos pulled off? He definitely lost LOS many times as he went between buildings. I don't think I would ever attempt someting like this.
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Just watched the video, nice flying. I dont think LOS was used.
Litchi mission according to video.
Ok, so I’m new to the Ocusync world, I’ve had in the past a Spark and then a Mavic Air both WiFi base. Both had moderate to decent range for my use, but with some reception issues here and there depending on my area.

Today was my first real flight out with the Mavic 2 Zoom. I was in town at a large local park. Decided to test it’s range nothing extreme. I went out about 4760 feet and was met with connection issues around 3500 or so and signal problems with the RC.

I was under the impression that there was no signal loss, reception issues or disconnects with Ocusync 2.0. I would imagine that there would be some at the long end of the range but at only a mile or less out has me wondering if Ocusync can and does have reception issues as well, just not as bad as WiFi based?

What’s your thoughts on connection/signal issues and Ocusync? Do reception issues still exist?

Thanks for the help. Just curious.

You should get better range. Couple thoughts what was your attitude, a lot of trees around?, did you have LOS? I get better results with wireless and blue tooth turned off less interference.
How are these type of videos pulled off? He definitely lost LOS many times as he went between buildings. I don't think I would ever attempt someting like this.
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He was flying a Litchi mission.
How are these type of videos pulled off? He definitely lost LOS many times as he went between buildings. I don't think I would ever attempt someting like this.
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Of Course a LItchi -
Range is sometimes hit and miss.

My DJI Phantom 4 never got anywhere near its claimed distance of 3 miles.. Best I could do was about 1 mile. This was out in the country over bald prairie with no trees or other obstructions. I got to 1.5 miles once and that kicked in RTH.

The Mavic 2 is supposed to go 5 miles.. I've managed 2.5 miles with only a couple of small glitches in the video. (I never flew farther because in Canada we're not supposed to go out of visual range, and I didn't have the courage to go farther).

There might have been some interference at your location. Try flying long distance from another location. Also.. You probably know this, but you need to keep the antennas oriented towards the craft. If you face the wrong way the signal will drop drastically.
Even in CE mode the Mavic 2 can reach over 9km, there is several videos on the tube.

But you need a free line of sight, even for Ocusync 2.0, atleast for longer flights. Which should be obvious :)

Tree's are signal killers.
What is CE mode? I did another flight test over the water. It preformed a lot better. I got it about 1.5 miles out , the bars dropped a few but went back up when I repositioned myself. Much better this time m, no disconnects.
You should get better range. Couple thoughts what was your attitude, a lot of trees around?, did you have LOS? I get better results with wireless and blue tooth turned off less interference.

Yes. Lots of trees around.
I fly in flat wooded areas and tend to keep the AC at or near max altitude to help reduce the volume of foliage between the drone and controller. There is ALWAYS at least a few trees in the way at my end. I can reliably get about a mile before the connection starts to get unstable. Interference seems to be a big problem even at very short ranges if it exists - speaking from my limited experience anyway.
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I was able to do another range test over the water and got around 8600ft out with no reception issues, I’m sure I could have gone farther but I turned around because my battery was about to run out because of other flights I did. I did come to realize that if you don’t have a clear LOS then don’t expect to get the advertised mileage. Also you must have the remote pointed directly at the AC in order to get the best mileage.
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