Why are people continuing to buy it? One possible reason may be that a lot of people are not experiencing the problems we are reading about in many of the forums. Another possible reason is that some of these people complaining just don’t have the requisite technical skill and experience and don’t know what you’re talking about; of course many do, but in my opinion, many don’t. Personally, I had concerns about supply problems after January 22. In the case of some of these Youtubers, I think some of the complaints are all about making money. I purchased the
M3 the first day it was released and have had none of the problems that many people are talking about. In fact, I’m quite satisfied with the technical aspects of it, notwithstanding its crippled condition. Maybe I’m one of the lucky ones, I don’t know. Of course,like everyon, I miss the many missing features and I anxiously await the firmware updates. I’m not a professional photographer, so I don’t have some of the concerns they may have, but judging from many of the complaints, many of them aren’t professionals either. Needless to say, I think DJI made a huge mistake in releasing this drone in this condition, and they have a lot to make up.