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Mavic 3 landings after Drone-Hack


Well-Known Member
Premium Pilot
Feb 15, 2018
Boston, MA, USA
After applying the Drone-Hacks software to Mavic 3, I can no longer left-stick down after landing to immediately kill the motors.
This is what happens now

I emailed DroneHacks and their response was, " Hello, this is normal under the customFC. If you want to land slowly you can also push the landing button in the app."

I find this insane. CSC doesn't immediately work either.
I would hate to have to always use button for landing and can't really live with that behavior either.

Any solutions?
I'm not a fan of that limitation at all. I would inquire if that is something they can "Tweak" in order to re-enable the normal landing actions.
I got Mavic 3 and have also installed the hack and have the same thing. The bottom infrared sensors do not detect the ground or objects that are close below it. Not much of an issue with me as I like to hand catch mine.

Did you install the prehack fw or did you roll back the fw to stock .1000 and then press the hack button?
I got Mavic 3 and have also installed the hack and have the same thing. The bottom infrared sensors do not detect the ground or objects that are close below it. Not much of an issue with me as I like to hand catch mine.

Did you install the prehack fw or did you roll back the fw to stock .1000 and then press the hack button?

So after you hand catch, then how do you kill the props?
That's the issue - I land, and pull the left stick down and it hops around for 10 seconds before actually shutting off. I would not want to hold it for that long. I do dozens and dozens of flights per week and I generally don't want to be hand catching anyways. The thought of having to use the auto-land button is not great solution either.

Drone still had very first firmware on it, so I used DJI Assistant to upgrade to recommended Firmware and hacked it from Drone-Hacks software. I was surprised how quick it was, that I didn't need to enable RC Pro software update and that it no longer relies on certificates.

I like the fact that Aeroscope detection has been disabled but kind of wish I still had Airsense. While I didn't routinely have that feature on with my old Air2s, there were occasions that I wanted to use it.
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I catch it while hovering, then hold down the left stick for about 3 seconds and the motors stop.
Hmmm, yeah, that is the EXPECTED behavior but like in the video I posted, I land, hold the left stick down and it just hops around for about 6 seconds before the motors stop
Hand catching is what all the Cool Kids are doing now :) I hand catch 99.99% of the time now.
I use the landing button all the time, I fly it to just a foot or two over my LZ and press the button. I might have to let it know it's okay to land there by confirming once in a while but I don't see what the big deal is as long as your LZ is suitable to land. It lands just fine every time.
After applying the Drone-Hacks software to Mavic 3, I can no longer left-stick down after landing to immediately kill the motors.
This is what happens now

I emailed DroneHacks and their response was, " Hello, this is normal under the customFC. If you want to land slowly you can also push the landing button in the app."

I find this insane. CSC doesn't immediately work either.
I would hate to have to always use button for landing and can't really live with that behavior either.

Any solutions?
This is definitely good information. I’ll hold off on the hack until drone-hacks fixes this issue.
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After applying the Drone-Hacks software to Mavic 3, I can no longer left-stick down after landing to immediately kill the motors.
This is what happens now

I emailed DroneHacks and their response was, " Hello, this is normal under the customFC. If you want to land slowly you can also push the landing button in the app."

I find this insane. CSC doesn't immediately work either.
I would hate to have to always use button for landing and can't really live with that behavior either.

Any solutions?
You Didnt say whether you are Using Mavic 3 Mini or Mavic 3 PRO ??

I use Drone Tweaks - ... on M3P and its Perfect
Everything Works
I have the original Mavic 3.

Two more issues.

When flying in a DJI restricted area (I have a 1 year authorization from FAA and need to fly a site weekly), there's a full screen auto landing warning that needs to be dismissed every 100 seconds. After dismissing the warning, the countdown is in a little ticker in the upper left. While the drone doesn't autoland, it's ridiculously distracting to have that full screen dialogue every minute and a half or so. They absolutely need to figure out a way to make that go away, like the hacks on other drones.

Also, it was not clear to me before applying the hack that Airsense would be disabled as well. That is a feature that I do not regularly have turned on, however, there are situations where I do enjoy having it and like to use it. Not sure why they had to disable that.
So rumor has it, this hack comes from Russian hackers which they call firmware 1001, which explains why the bottom sensors are disabled to hand catch.
So rumor has it, this hack comes from Russian hackers which they call firmware 1001, which explains why the bottom sensors are disabled to hand catch.
That is probably true, as the 1001 has been leaked. It can be found on GitHub:
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