I crashed and lost my drone.
The first impact to the cliff wall was my fault. But I saw it bounce off the wall, and when the Mavic air stabilized, I entered a right input to move away from the wall, but the drone went left instead (see video). When I saw that, I let go of the controls as I was confused by the conflicting movements. The drone moved backwards with the obstacle avoidance beeping and it crashed for good.
So was it drone error for the drift? Attached the flight log here:
DJI Flight Log Viewer - PhantomHelp.com
Any views are appreciated! thanks!
The first impact to the cliff wall was my fault. But I saw it bounce off the wall, and when the Mavic air stabilized, I entered a right input to move away from the wall, but the drone went left instead (see video). When I saw that, I let go of the controls as I was confused by the conflicting movements. The drone moved backwards with the obstacle avoidance beeping and it crashed for good.
So was it drone error for the drift? Attached the flight log here:
DJI Flight Log Viewer - PhantomHelp.com
Any views are appreciated! thanks!