No you can't rely on that at all ...Yes I powered it up indoor walked outside, about 3 - 4 meters and put it on the ground, then used the automatic take off. But shouldnt it give me a warning for magnetic interferance or at least compass calibration required?
Ok ... think we starts to see the light in the tunnel here. Much is explained by a start up in a magnetic interfered area indoors (full of thing's that can create that kind of interference) & then carried outside. I imagine that you also first powered on the AC ...then the RC, explaining that values in the log doesn't show up until a long time later.
The magYaw disagreed then with the IMUYaw already at take off ... going into the "toilet bowl" flight path as soon as you applied elevator input at 12sec.
Always check that the drone icon on the map in your app is pointing equal to reality ... if not abort launch attempt & move away and try take off elsewhere.
It's an easy check you always should do after powering on your drone, connected to your RC/app & placed it in the take off spot ... but before lift off. This to avoid a really scary event coming from launching from a magnetic disturbed place with following flyaway at height in an uncontrollable "toilet bowl" shaped flight path.