I have the stock Mini case that comes with the Combo. Earlier today I attempted to hike as high as possible up a very steep slope in an effort to be able to reach the summit of Turtle Head Peak with the Mini. The summit turned out to be around 1800' higher than my take off point on the slope, so the Mini came close but did not quite reach the top. Near the summit over 1 mile away I received a weak signal several times, and only after returning home did I see how close the mini came to hitting a Hoodoo just below the summit. Based on the size of the bunch grass growing on the hoodoo and the 20mph speed I believe the Mini missed it by less than 2'. In any case, after the return flight back to the slope I packed the Mini back into the case and put it in my backpack, then put the backpack on and watched the mini and case go tumbling down the Mountain! I had forgot to zip up the backpack! It tumbled a good 40' down the slope bouncing pretty high with each tumble. But the tough little case prevented any damage to the Mini. No doubt a soft case and even a solid case would have resulted in damage. The stock case is very flexible and forgiving. The pic shows by take off point on the slope