i was flying my mavic mini a while ago, all went fine until i tried to do a cinematic shot, unfortinatly my drone got caugt in a tree and fell down, as far as i can see the damaged had only been one ripped (front left) and one broken propellor (rear left). i replaced these 2 props, but when i now try to fly the drone immediatly goes to the front left and i can't propperly control it, as soon as it is of the ground it shoots away, i've already tried to calibrate IMU and compas but this didn't work. does anyone know what i should do? and when i also wonder whether you should really replace both proppelors on the arm after a crash (which i haven't done after the crash)?
I hope someone can help me
Thanks for the help, i had indeed mixed up the propellors (i didn't know there where different once)
Also i want to give you guys some credit, i expected it to take about a week before i even got a reaction let alone a useful one, but you guys really helped me out quick and good! so thanks!
I hope someone can help me
Thanks for the help, i had indeed mixed up the propellors (i didn't know there where different once)
Also i want to give you guys some credit, i expected it to take about a week before i even got a reaction let alone a useful one, but you guys really helped me out quick and good! so thanks!
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