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Mavic Mini Dashware Data Profile

Version 3 attached, which works with the TXTtoCSV tool version 2020/01/24. I now include the tool in the zip, so you have the full package.


  • DashWare Mavic Mini
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Quick tutorial on how to use DashWare with the MM Profile [cut and paste of a post I made on the DJI MM Forum]:

1. Download the old DashWare 1.7.37 (I was able to find it here) and install it. If you can't find it, go for the latest 1.9.1 directly from the DashWare site, but you will need to use the workaround at the bottom in order to be able to render the video.
2. Download my MM DashWare profile, and follow the instructions in the readme file. As mentioned above, I now include the TXTtoCSV file I tested it with.
3. Go fly your MM, take a couple videos, copy them from the SD card to your PC.
4. On your mobile device, find the corresponding flight record (with TXT extension) and copy it to your PC.
5. Run the TXTtoCSV tool, click on [Open] and select the TXT flight record, click on [Save as...] and enter a file name for the CSV. To keep things organized, I use the same file name as the TXT, with a CSV extension. Click on [Go] to generate the CSV.
6. Open the CSV (I use Excel) and take note of the exact date/time of the very first record. Example: 3/22/2020 1:22:05.9 AM (note the decimal after the seconds, as Excel might want to round it up).
7. Look at the CUSTOM.isVideo column, and identify the block of records corresponding to the video you want to process in DashWare. For example, if you took 4 videos in your flight and you want to process the second one in DashWare, look for the second block of "Recording" in the isVideo column. Take note of the exact date/time when the recording started. Example: 3/22/2020 1:30:42.8 AM.
8. Calculate the difference between the start of the recording (step 7) and the beginning of the flight (step 6). I do it in Excel directly. Example: 1:30:42.8 - 1:22:05.9 = 8:36.9. This is your Offset (minutes:seconds.decimals).
9. Open DashWare, create a new project, load the MM video and the CSV (they do not need to be in the same folder as the project). When you load the CSV, it should detect automatically it's from a MM. If it doesn't, double-check you put the new Data Profile in the right place.
10. Go to the Synchronization tab, make sure the video cursor is at very beginning (the little "Current" box under the video should show "0.00.000"). In the right pane, move the data cursor manually until the other "Current" box shows a value close to the desired Offset (step 8). Use the little left/right arrows until "Current" shows the exact Offset. Arrow buttons move the cursor by 1/10th of a second, hold Shift to move by 1/100th and Ctrl to move by 1/1000th. Now check the "Sync with Video" button, and make sure the Sync Offset box just above it shows the right Offset. If it doesn't, it means the video cursor was not at the very beginning.
11. Drag one of my two gauges (imperial or metric) from the Gauge Toolbox onto the video (I assume you already imported them into the Toolbox, as per instructions) and position it where you want. Go to Project > Align Horizontally to center it.
12. Play the video, and double-check that the gauge values are in sync with what you see. It's easier if you have a moment in the video where the MM goes from stationary to moving, as you can easily check that the speed (and distance) values go up as soon as the AC moves.
13. Trim your video to your liking, using the little red triangles above the video slider/cursor
15. Go to File > Create Video, to render the final video. Quick tip: you can add simple titles at the beginning or the end, from the Project tab, "Edit Start Title", "Edit End Credits" buttons.

# Rendering issue with DashWare 1.9.x
DashWare 1.9.x throws an error when you try to render a video that has no audio track. Workaround is to add a (silent) audio track to the MM video, before importing it into DW. If you go this route, use AviDemux or similar tool that can add the audio to the MP4 without re-encoding the video.
I promise that I will rigorously follow your tutorial. Much thankful to that... just hoping that my last struggle wasn't vain because after dealing with all the quirks and shortcomings of the SW and having synched the flight data to the video I was still getting wrong readings for the computed power level (in Watts my Mini was using almost 1600!! but sometimes it was fine at a more usual 72), and when I went to try the rendering if failed completely giving out the error message.

Thanks for your effort... I am sure it will be appreciated.
I promise that I will rigorously follow your tutorial. Much thankful to that... just hoping that my last struggle wasn't vain because after dealing with all the quirks and shortcomings of the SW and having synched the flight data to the video I was still getting wrong readings for the computed power level (in Watts my Mini was using almost 1600!! but sometimes it was fine at a more usual 72), and when I went to try the rendering if failed completely giving out the error message.

Thanks for your effort... I am sure it will be appreciated.

Sure. I actually responded to you on the DJI MM Forum, but I'll do it here as well since you mentioned the issue with the Power numbers. The version of TXTtoCSV I used to develop the Data Profile was giving Current readings (Amperes) that needed to be multiplied by 100 to get them in a reasonable ballpark, so I corrected them within DashWare. I told the developer of the tool about that, and he released a new version where values were already multiplied by 100, so my Power numbers ended up 100 times bigger than they should (Power=Voltage*Current). The Data Profile v3 I posted above fixes this issue.

As a side note, you can easily edit the Data Profile from DashWare: File > Edit Data Profile, then select the DJI Mavic Mini. First thing to do is to open a flight record in CSV format ("Open Data File..." button), then you can play around with Calculators / Converters at the bottom left (used to basically apply math functions to the values in the data file, like conversion miles to kms, multiply by 100, etc) and Column Mappings on the right, where you assign values from the CSV or from a calculation, to a Data Type. I use a mix of default Data Types, and custom ones I defined specifically for DJI (that's the purpose of the CustomDataTypes.xml file included in my little package).

Ok, that's waaaaaay more than I anticipated to write about DashWare!!! I use it mainly for GoPro and motorcycles, but sometimes it's cool to show drone telemetry too. Hope you guys enjoy it.
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6. Open the CSV (I use Excel) and take note of the exact date/time of the very first record. Example: 3/22/2020 1:22:05.9 AM (note the decimal after the seconds, as Excel might want to round it up).
7. Look at the CUSTOM.isVideo column, and identify the block of records corresponding to the video you want to process in DashWare. For example, if you took 4 videos in your flight and you want to process the second one in DashWare, look for the second block of "Recording" in the isVideo column. Take note of the exact date/time when the recording started. Example: 3/22/2020 1:30:42.8 AM.
Sorry to bother you, I need your expertise. In step 7, the column CUSTOM.isVideo is empty, although I do have a video correponding to the Txt/CSV. I do not see the "Recording" entry. Any advice? I use your ZIP version 3 converter and the Dashware mentioned in point 1 of your instruction. Thanks a lot.
Another user reported the same problem, not sure I can help with that, it works for me now with the MM and it worked with my old P3S. Are you completely sure you are getting the right TXT file for the flight where you took the video? Double check the first and last timestamp in the CSV and make sure your video file Modified Date falls in between (I'm not on my PC right now but I think Modified Date is the right one to look at). Also, try opening the CSV with a text editor, and search for "recording" to make sure you're not missing it. Let me know how it goes. If you want, send me a link with the TXT and I will take a look directly.
Another user reported the same problem, not sure I can help with that, it works for me now with the MM and it worked with my old P3S. Are you completely sure you are getting the right TXT file for the flight where you took the video? Double check the first and last timestamp in the CSV and make sure your video file Modified Date falls in between (I'm not on my PC right now but I think Modified Date is the right one to look at). Also, try opening the CSV with a text editor, and search for "recording" to make sure you're not missing it. Let me know how it goes. If you want, send me a link with the TXT and I will take a look directly.
Tx for that. I will triple check everything and do a flight just for that as soon as weather allows (snowing in Finland where I am currently). No problems to share files with you if you are willing to help. Will be back.
I promise that I will rigorously follow your tutorial. Much thankful to that... just hoping that my last struggle wasn't vain because after dealing with all the quirks and shortcomings of the SW and having synched the flight data to the video I was still getting wrong readings for the computed power level (in Watts my Mini was using almost 1600!! but sometimes it was fine at a more usual 72), and when I went to try the rendering if failed completely giving out the error message.

Thanks for your effort... I am sure it will be appreciated.
What I've been doing is using the colon for cell 6 and putting a formula for power and then edit where to get the data from. See MM does not use that colon.
how to fix blank video issue with last verion of dashware and last build of windows 10? Thanks.

To my knowledge, 1.9.1 throws an exception when it tries to render the final video (File > Create Video), if the source video has no audio track. I'm not aware of a "blank video issue"... could you explain what you see, exactly?
I have a question a bit of topic: do you know where to get a Mavic 2 data profile or if the Mavic Mini one you use does work for the Mavic 2 ?

I don't... I started with an existing profile and adapted it to the P3S, then adapted it again when I got the MM. It's not major stuff, if you have a bit of a software developer mindset, you can figure things out on your own. I don't own a M2, so I cannot say how similar the Flight Records are.
I don't... I started with an existing profile and adapted it to the P3S, then adapted it again when I got the MM. It's not major stuff, if you have a bit of a software developer mindset, you can figure things out on your own. I don't own a M2, so I cannot say how similar the Flight Records are.
THANKS for quick reply. I will give it a try and start ... maybe with the Mini profile and change or add a bit. Found a video explaining an earlier version from 2016 or so how to setup a profile and calculate date from miles in meter and seconds in milliseconds and vice versa. Hope that will work that way. Here is the video if someone is searching too .. but a german one that might be a bit self explaining "how to build a profile" for a yuneec or so ... it is a kind of scratch build.
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THANKS for quick reply. I will give it a try and start ... maybe with the Mini profile and change or add a bit. Found a video explaining an earlier version from 2016 or so how to setup a profile and calculate date from miles in meter and seconds in milliseconds and vice versa. Hope that will work that way. Here is the video if someone is searching too .. but a german one that might be a bit self explaining "how to build a profile" for a yuneec or so ... it is a kind of scratch build.

You can start from the Tutorial Videos on the DashWare site...
Version 4 available here. Note that you need to replace the Data Types and Data Profile with the new one. I also suggest you start fresh with a new project.


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