Went out with my Air today as the winds at last have fallen from 15-16m/s ground to only 4-5m/s ... this to test off my thesis about that with increased roll angle will decrease the pitch angle ... and have some Sport mode fun on lower altitudes
So the setup was flight at roughly 30 meters with a slight tail/left wind of average 5m/s. According the specs the Air can achieve 35 degree tilt in Sport mode.
The first flight was full ahead both elevator+aileron ... The Air screamed nicely away in a 45 degree angle over the field & maxed out on 19,1m/s.
The second flight started from the same spot & were directed in the same direction that the first flight. Again it screamed (really nice sound I might add

) away but this time only full elevator were applied. it maxed out on 18m/s.
Later back home the DAT file showed me that:
For the diagonal flight the pitch forward reached a max of -24 degrees when at the same time the roll reached +13 degrees --> 19,1m/s heading speed
For the straight forward flight the pitch forward reached a max of -34,5 degrees when at the same time the roll reached -6 degrees (due to a slight side wind) --> 18m/s heading speed
So this leads me to believe that with increasing roll angle available pitch angle will be reduced ... if so, a flight in side winds with only elevator input (and the firmware taking care of aileron like inputs due to side forces coming from winds) will not give access to the full spec tilt angle.
This phenomenon of course becomes more pronounced when engines are maxed out as both
@BudWalker &
@sar104 points out ...
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