What we now know.
1.) FOV is significantly softer than HQ
2.) FOV sub-samples (pixel bins) to reach a downsized sensor sample data capture.
3.) DJI now ADMITS this proces has a negative impact on image quality.
4.) This cant be dismissed as "not noticable". It is and we all see what DJI admits.
5.) Resolution on Zoom is identicle in every way to the Pro. (Although noise and dynamic range on Pro performs a bit better)
6.) Pro's BEST quality uses the LEAST sensor surface. WORST quality comes from the MOST used sensor surface area. (Binned averhing tecnique)
7.) On Pro..2.7k has same final resolution output as 4k FOV.
8.) DJI says this was all necessary and "the best compromise" because of the
M2P's complexity
What we DON'T know.
1.) Why this subsampling (binning) was so necessary?
2.) What processor are they now using? DJI custom?
3.) Is that new processor already possibly maxed out on its ability?
4.) Why did DJI pull the plug on their original launch event. What happened that caused them to do such an extreme thing like that.
Pretty simple points here....
We are all just asking the simple question:
Why DJI.....why?
I know one thing for sure too. "If" DJI left Ambarella and went off into the jungle to design their own image processor...Ambarella MUST be laughing at DJI right now saying: "See?...thats what you get for leaving us!!!"