Hi Chaz . . I've been quietly following your progress with 18650's and with 4s setups. Glad you're pushing this along and having some success.
I am constructing a 4s2p setup, but with a slightly different design. I've cut down the battery board and arranged the batteries in a circle around the board, as per photo.
I'm wondering about the best way to connect the balance leads from a 4s battery to the Mavic battery board 3s balance pins. I presume the outer +ve and -ve balance leads have to connect directly to the outer pins (pins 1 & 4) on the balance board. That leaves a choice of 3 balance connections from the 4s battery going to the 2 internal balance connections on the board (pins 2 & 3). If I use pins 2 and 3 on the 4s I am guessing the Go 4 app will show (for 16v overall) Batt 1: 4v, Batt 2, 4v and Batt 3: 8v.
Does this sound right to you, and which balance wires did you use?
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