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Apr 9, 2017
Hi guys

I just watched a great video by Ian about how he lost his Mavic and learnt a ton from his advice. Some of his wise words re battery and flying resonated with me after a weekend experience and I thought it could help others too - even though the circumstances were a little different.

Birds, batteries and breeze

I sent my Mavic up and out about 300 ft over water to take a pano with the Litchi app.

The Litchi pano mode isn't quick and once it starts taking photographs the app is controlling your bird.

So first mistake I made was not checking the batteries. I'm about 60% through the Pano and my battery levels start to drop significantly. I guess taking 34 RAW files etc contributes to that.

I don't want to cancel the pano as I'm on my last battery so I take a risk and let it finish.

In the meantime, the wind picks up considerably (source of increased battery loss) and I get a high wind warning and the controller starts beeping loudly.

I'd literally taken the last photo before the auto RTH function tries to kick in. Problem is, I was flying earlier around the same spot and wasn't quite sure where the RTH had been set. Litchi app is also different than the DJI Go app and I must admit, I'm relatively new to it and unsure of my settings.

I try to land manually but panic a bit and don't consult my map to see which way the Mavic is pointing. I waste valuable seconds flying in the wrong direction.

I turn it around and race it back to dry land.

I'm above dry land but about 15 foot up when my Mavic explodes into a bloom of feathers. A pigeon has either attacked my Mavic or just didn't see it descend. It was so fast I didn't even see the pigeon before or after the collision.

Mavic has a major wobble but rights itself and I land it. No damage to the Mavic. I hope that pigeon is ok :-/

Take aways

  1. Always check your battery before you start anything automated like a Pano mission. Yes, you can over-ride the Litchi app but best not to have to cancel a shot that takes 2-4 mins to take.
  2. Next time I'll do my Pano mission BEFORE I start flying around.
  3. The wind was fine on take off but that doesn't mean it's not going to change suddenly. Especially on a coastal area (where I was), it wasn't an even breeze.
  4. Consider the wind further up in the skies too.
  5. Get to know your App. I could have been more familiar with Litchi
  6. Refer to your map before trying to fly home. it sounds simple but make sure you're pointing the right heading before you hit the throttle :-/
  7. Consider the bird life around the area. In my case the Mavic could have been in the flight path between buildings A on one side of the water and buildings B on the other. Essentially I was possibly in their flight corridor
  8. Pigeons I couldn't even see on the day are visible at speed on the video when I slow it down. These things are fast and can fly around 80km / 50 mph!!
  9. Finally, don't risk everything for a shot. If I'd time to think I would have sacrificed the pano instead of putting a £1000 Mavic at risk. I can always get back up there and resume or re-start the Pano.

Anyway - maybe most of you know all this but hopefully it'll help some new pilots (like myself) in future.

Ironically, when I downloaded my Pano files, all the photos were out of focus anyway!
I always enjoy learning from others experiences. It's even better when the storyteller is honest with himself about decisions he's made.

Although most of these issues have been discussed previously, it doesn't hurt to have them repeated.

Thanks for sharing!
Hi guys

I just watched a great video by Ian about how he lost his Mavic and learnt a ton from his advice. Some of his wise words re battery and flying resonated with me after a weekend experience and I thought it could help others too - even though the circumstances were a little different.

Birds, batteries and breeze

I sent my Mavic up and out about 300 ft over water to take a pano with the Litchi app.

The Litchi pano mode isn't quick and once it starts taking photographs the app is controlling your bird.

So first mistake I made was not checking the batteries. I'm about 60% through the Pano and my battery levels start to drop significantly. I guess taking 34 RAW files etc contributes to that.

I don't want to cancel the pano as I'm on my last battery so I take a risk and let it finish.

In the meantime, the wind picks up considerably (source of increased battery loss) and I get a high wind warning and the controller starts beeping loudly.

I'd literally taken the last photo before the auto RTH function tries to kick in. Problem is, I was flying earlier around the same spot and wasn't quite sure where the RTH had been set. Litchi app is also different than the DJI Go app and I must admit, I'm relatively new to it and unsure of my settings.

I try to land manually but panic a bit and don't consult my map to see which way the Mavic is pointing. I waste valuable seconds flying in the wrong direction.

I turn it around and race it back to dry land.

I'm above dry land but about 15 foot up when my Mavic explodes into a bloom of feathers. A pigeon has either attacked my Mavic or just didn't see it descend. It was so fast I didn't even see the pigeon before or after the collision.

Mavic has a major wobble but rights itself and I land it. No damage to the Mavic. I hope that pigeon is ok :-/

Take aways

  1. Always check your battery before you start anything automated like a Pano mission. Yes, you can over-ride the Litchi app but best not to have to cancel a shot that takes 2-4 mins to take.
  2. Next time I'll do my Pano mission BEFORE I start flying around.
  3. The wind was fine on take off but that doesn't mean it's not going to change suddenly. Especially on a coastal area (where I was), it wasn't an even breeze.
  4. Consider the wind further up in the skies too.
  5. Get to know your App. I could have been more familiar with Litchi
  6. Refer to your map before trying to fly home. it sounds simple but make sure you're pointing the right heading before you hit the throttle :-/
  7. Consider the bird life around the area. In my case the Mavic could have been in the flight path between buildings A on one side of the water and buildings B on the other. Essentially I was possibly in their flight corridor
  8. Pigeons I couldn't even see on the day are visible at speed on the video when I slow it down. These things are fast and can fly around 80km / 50 mph!!
  9. Finally, don't risk everything for a shot. If I'd time to think I would have sacrificed the pano instead of putting a £1000 Mavic at risk. I can always get back up there and resume or re-start the Pano.

Anyway - maybe most of you know all this but hopefully it'll help some new pilots (like myself) in future.

Ironically, when I downloaded my Pano files, all the photos were out of focus anyway!
I agree with most of this except #9 should be moved to #1. No shot is worth jeopardizing your Mavic.
I agree with most of this except #9 should be moved to #1. No shot is worth jeopardizing your Mavic.

People risks their life equipped with an slr system to get the good shot from right angle.... And have done so since the beginning of photography. Risking a ****** drone is nothing. [emoji3]
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People risks their life equipped with an slr system to get the good shot from right angle.... And have done so since the beginning of photography. Risking a ****** drone is nothing. [emoji3]
I want to do a mission into a live volcano. Can I borrow your drone?
I want to do a mission into a live volcano. Can I borrow your drone?

I actually have quite many large volcanos here in Iceland, erupting more often than preferred, so one day you'll see a post here with an "op" right after my name with these kinds of videos posted here. [emoji3]

But no, the pleasure of you getting the "great" shot does not have as much impact as if I would. So no mavic for you my friend! ( At least not mine) [emoji3]
Great tips, but I find that often lately with Litchi, that the focus is blured and has ruined many shots and vids. Its find in normal mode but as soon as you use waypoints or pano or other modes the focus goes all to hell. And never has been as sharp or as clear as Go4.
I would like to know also!
Lots of advantages, but the biggest advantage is you can plan missions and set the waypoints altitude relative to ground for each waypoint. You can plan your missions in Google Earth also and import them to the Mission hub. The Litchi App also has the VR Goggles option.
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They don't recommend having both apps open at the same time. I use the Go4 app to do all my settings, and then close the app. I open the Litchi app and double check the settings there to make sure they're good. When you do your setup in the Go4 app, they're also changed in Litchi.
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