Hi everyone.
Ordered a mini 2 yesterday (hopefully will arrive very soon) and i am after some advice if possible. I am wanting to try the quick shot modes on a specific location when we go on holiday (lockdown rules dependent as possibly wont get there yet). The location is a lighthouse (and outbuildings), i have watched a few tutorials on the quick shots but every single one of them was related to the subject matter been yourself and not a structure and i am worried i will crash it into the lighthouse or lose the drone in the sea if i try to use the circle quick shot to go around the lighthouse
I was wondering if anyone had some handy hints on the quick shot modes that were more related to landmarks and structures to allow me to get the footage safely (Really sorry if it is a dumb question, maybe once i actually have the drone and can practice it will become clearer!).
I already have my flyers ID & Operators ID sorted ( i know i don't need both with a mini 2 but thought it would be best).
Many Thanks
Ordered a mini 2 yesterday (hopefully will arrive very soon) and i am after some advice if possible. I am wanting to try the quick shot modes on a specific location when we go on holiday (lockdown rules dependent as possibly wont get there yet). The location is a lighthouse (and outbuildings), i have watched a few tutorials on the quick shots but every single one of them was related to the subject matter been yourself and not a structure and i am worried i will crash it into the lighthouse or lose the drone in the sea if i try to use the circle quick shot to go around the lighthouse

I was wondering if anyone had some handy hints on the quick shot modes that were more related to landmarks and structures to allow me to get the footage safely (Really sorry if it is a dumb question, maybe once i actually have the drone and can practice it will become clearer!).
I already have my flyers ID & Operators ID sorted ( i know i don't need both with a mini 2 but thought it would be best).
Many Thanks