Well-Known Member
Thanks Meta for explaining all or that.
I just took the air 1 up did a quick video of the terrain I was flying over.As you can see its all scrub brush and small trees nothing over 20 feet tall and as the record shows I was at 70 ft . When it did its thing.
That was very helpful.
Yes, short trees and shrubs, but the terrain is rising. The altitude shown on controller is relative to the home point, which per your video appears lower than some of the terrain you were flying over.
But I can see there aren't the kind of trees I thought from the satellite image. There are a couple things right at the end of the log of possible interest, here's a screen shot:

1) On the far left, it shows the last update was over a minute after the data occured... I'm not sure if this indicates that the controller waits on signal loss before recording an potentially incomplete data point.
2) The drone was climbing and was at the highest point of the flight at signal loss.
3) The last line also indicates the highest climb speed of the flight.
4) All the drone performance/movements do appear to be correlated with control inputs, with a 200ms to 400ms lag.
As I mentioned earlier, I've noticed in sport mode I could get an overlaod warning easilly. In this case, the Mini was cruising at 29 mph, with "forward" at max, and then the throttle to increase altitude is jammed to max, and it is just one second after the sport-mode max UP command that connection was lost.
I stand by PART of my earlier message, not the trees, but the overload. Examining the telemetry, this has the appearance of a "Challenger go with throttle up" moment...(yea yea I might have a twisted sense of humor)
Assuming didn't see any sparks or fire that evening, then the battery probably didn't explode, so you've got that going for ya, and it probably landed in grass or soft sand, so a good blast with dustoff, and a probably replace the props, and probably good to go.
From the "Trees are A$$##75" Department:
At least you won't have to hire a arbor service , which is how I ended up in this forum last year: Mini 2 Tree Crash and Recovery
Edit PS: Regarding #2, I didn't see any power lines... are there any near the loss area?