Firstly, welcome to the club. You have a lot of learning but a ton of fun ahead of you. This will no doubt be greatly enhanced by getting more into photography. You were very smart to go with Lightroom. The adobe Photo package for $10 USD a month gives you both Photoshop and Lightroom, and they require a lifetime of learning. But the results are amazing, and now, even more improved with their latest AI upgrades of the amazing masking tools, and the brand new remove tool and generative AI tool released two days ago which is astounding.So a little about myself,
My first drone I purchased was a parrot AR 2.0. All I remember from that drone was maybe 10 minutes of flight time, no obstacle detection very crappy camera and weird controls.
Sold it, and then moved on and never looked at drones again.
It left a bad taste in my mouth. Add in all the talk about licensing and fees and legal issues in Canada drones seemed like a really "demonized" and niche hobby that I didn't want to deal with.
Now for Christmas my parents because they never know what to get me picked me up this cheap Amazon F89 drone. Which of course first thing I did was seek out the legal issues with drones. Which got me into the classifications on weight, licensing, rules, maybe not the first thing most people do but I am 35 and don't need that. My first few flights brought back memories of that Parrot drone. poor range, poor battery life, weird charging setup.
Decided to look at other drones to see what they were like. and I found the Mini 3 pro. I was blown away by the camera quality, how could something so tiny be so mighty is what came to my mind. Also the built in screen and transmission range, flight times, This had to be BS no way the drone was this good all these people must be lying on youtube, paid off by DJI. So I went to the store, saw the mini 3 fly more with the DJI RC and I bought it. I got it home opened it up, started charging the batteries and went for the first flight and it was better than I expected it to be (Notice I said Mini 3 not Mini 3 Pro) I went with the non pro for 2 reason, 1) I am not a photographer or videographer, 2) not sure if this was a hobby I wanted to actually get into and selling a mini 3 would be pretty easy if I wanted to recoup costs if I didn't 3) Budget, its the cheapest drone that also offers the DJI RC.
Well fast forward 3 weeks and I have several flights under my belt, I had to send my unit back to DJI as the RC remote had a defect and they offered to replace the whole kit. (SD card would not eject, I could read and save to the card but there was no way to remove it without tweezers)
I am also licensed and studying for the advanced license in Canada and if I get that I plan on picking up the new Air3 or Mavic 3 Classic. Alberta has lots of wind and the bigger drone would be better over all, I would get the Air 2s but I want 30+ minute flight times.
One thing I did not expect, I have never liked taking photos, I take pictures for work, to capture information but never to capture the moment so to speak.
My drone made me get a Lightroom subscription and start learning how to edit RAW images and the magic you can do with RAW files is mind-blowing. I turned a hazy dreary smoky day into a bright colorful sunny day with beautiful blue sky.
Anyway, glad to be here.
I am on schedule to vacation in Alberta in August and am finding the air space for drones really restricting since most of it is national park. Do you have any recommendations for areas in which I can fly? I will be in Canmore, Banff, Lake Louise, Jasper, Yoho, Icefields Pkwy, etc. Not a single one of these places of course allows drones.
Here is a webinar with my favorites teacher- Colin Smith, introducing the new AI generative software. It is astounding what this new upgrade offers!

PhotoshopCAFE LIVE: New Photoshop Ai Art Generator. What can it do? How to gain access
How to use Adobe Firefly in Photoshop beta. How to use the features, a discussion on ai and how to get access today.► Sign up to receive notifications for li...