Today I decided to try my drone over a lake in our community. I was taking videos trying to get used to the video system. All of a sudden I got a red restriction notice and it took up virtually the whole viewing screen. I didn't know that this was a restricted area. I wanted to get out of there ASAP. I tried to use return to home function on the cell phone screen and it did not work. Fortunately I could see the hight and distance, so I manipulated the controller to get the drone back. I contacted DJI and they said I needed to unlock the restriction and they provided a video; but it did not help. I also spoke to a neighbor who has several drones and he said that he never got that restriction notice. Two questions: (1) How do I unlock a restricted screen in case this problem comes up again? (2) I would like to call the City of Lake Wales and find out why this happened to me and not to others. My neighbor has a larger drone and he is registered with the appropriate authorities. Since I have a Mini 2 I did not register it. Could this be the problem?