What have you done with Sport Mode? Have you really, REALLY, well, let yourself loose?
Turn off the camera. Or have it on. Either way, forget about it. Take your MM2 out and FLY it! Want to burn 3 batteries and wonder where the time went? I do a lot of Sport Mode flying for the sheer excitement of it, thought I'd start a thread to discuss, and post some crazy videos.
So, some suggestions:
I'll quit for now before this becomes TL;DR ? Please, others, contribute with your Sport Mode FLYING adventures. Noobs, come back and report your flights and fun. If you shoot some video, share it. I'll be back with some video, and more suggestions. Have Fun!
Turn off the camera. Or have it on. Either way, forget about it. Take your MM2 out and FLY it! Want to burn 3 batteries and wonder where the time went? I do a lot of Sport Mode flying for the sheer excitement of it, thought I'd start a thread to discuss, and post some crazy videos.
So, some suggestions:
- Find a big, open field with no people or animals
- From 30-60 feet AGL, full down throttle full pitch forward, dive fast at the ground then flip the throttle when you get as close to the ground as you feel comfortable and tear back up into the sky
- Flip it around as fast as it'll spin in a turn full left/right yaw, coordinate with the right amount of roll (even in Sport it's not full-stick when you're yawing at max), then dive and shoot up again, repeat
- Try falling out of the sky like above, full forward pitch, then level out at the last minute close to the ground (I've gotten good enough to do it about 4 feet AGL), tear across the field at 30+ mph until it feels right, then all together at max speeds ascend and turn 180, tear back.
- Try to ascend/descend in the tightest, fastest spiral you can. This is a toughie -- the fastest is not the tightest.
I'll quit for now before this becomes TL;DR ? Please, others, contribute with your Sport Mode FLYING adventures. Noobs, come back and report your flights and fun. If you shoot some video, share it. I'll be back with some video, and more suggestions. Have Fun!