So I called the number on the sign, and impressively enough, someone picked up right away. I quoted the sign to them, and they knew what I was talking about right away. I asked them if they could give any guidance on what "near" means - is it 1000 feet, a mile, anything at all they could say? All they said is that if they see the drone, then they will report it. So I asked them: Do you mean to say it's okay if I fly outside your direct visual line of sight? At that point the guy got really testy, and said, "no", I just mean if we visually see your drone, we'll report it.Define "near"
In the end, the guy couldn't give me a single bit of advice on what "near" means, and he took my name and number and said he'd have their public affairs office call me back. If I find out any more I'll reply to this.