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One picture in focus one not


New Member
Jun 28, 2019
So my Mavic Pro has started doing something odd. It's taking two pictures every shot, one is in focus, the other isn't. I don't understand why it's taking two pictures, let alone the focus issue!

Any ideas? org_4118354e8e0e2a47_1561745796000.jpegthumb_4118354e8e0e2a47_1561745796000.jpeg
Is one of the JPG and the other DNG? If so the DNG is a Raw file that needs to be processed, you are most likely just seeing the preview of the thumbnail enlarged.
On my phone it is saying the are both JPG. I'll put the card in my laptop tomorrow and check for sure.
The fact it's taking both, is there a setting I need to change?
if i have changed from video to photos on my MPP the first photo i shoot will tell me to focus even if i have it set to auto focus, i press focus and then after that the next photos are all in focus the auto focus needs an initial focus setting on what you are taking a pic of, before it will take a pic in focus its like when you first start video on take off it will say press the green box to focus i have set one of my buttons on the back of the controller to achieve this as it saves touching the screen
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Don't think that's the issue, I always tap to focus on every shot, it takes one picture, but produces two, one focused, the other not.
You're probably on android, and your phone is just showing the thumbnail the app created for itself.
Is one of the JPG and the other DNG? If so the DNG is a Raw file that needs to be processed, you are most likely just seeing the preview of the thumbnail enlarged.
I think this is correct. I believe that if shooting DNG then there will also be an associated low-rez JPG thumbnail preview created as well, because most devices won't view the actual DNG file. The way to be sure is just to check in-app and see what you are storing when capturing a photo (JPG or JPG+RAW).
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Evening Mavic pilots, I have checked camera settings and I've set it to just JPG, still getting the same issue!
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