I've been working for a few months now on a new viewer for panoramas I've been taking on my Mavic Pro. It is now available at PanGazer - introduction. Here's a summary of the main features:
Mike Cowlishaw
- PanGazer is a free (and advert-free) Windows application for viewing images and panoramas, including 360° spherical and hemispherical panoramas as captured by drones.
- The PanGazer package includes a 'starter spherical panorama’ of the Bejes village and mountains in Spain, taken with my Mavic Pro; PanGazer lets you look around the full 360°, and also pitch up or down, including straight down.
- PanGazer detects spherical 360° panoramas automatically and you can pan around them easily, but you can also use it for viewing non-spherical panoramas and other images.
- When viewing ‘hemispherical’ panoramas (e.g., drone panoramas from the Mavic and similar drones) which typically cover 20° above the horizon and 90° below, PanGazer will automatically set the correct horizon.
- You can save views to disk, effectively extracting individual photographs from a panorama.
- Strong image enhancements (brightness, etc.) are available to help you identify features of interest.
- Multiple views (windows) are supported – you can view different images, or the the same image, from multiple angles and zooms at the same time. For example, you can compare still images with views of a panorama.
- If an image is geotagged (e.g., from a Mavic) you can select 'view satellite image' to see (using Google Maps) where the image was taken.
- PanGazer uses a fast multi-threaded implementation of the gnomonic projection which reduces apparent distortion of horizontals and verticals. Interpolation is used to improve the display of zoomed or low-resolution images.
Mike Cowlishaw