There's no way to change the way your drone is setting exif data.In my place we are around 3200 masl (Metres Above Sea Level). When I saw the altitude in EXIF data it was only +35m, not 3250m. Is there any way to fix this?
I was reading more about this, and there are some others with the same issue than me.
In all my pictures taken shows: (well I tried at 35m) (in all pictures doesn't change absolute altitude)
Absolute Altitude : +1.20
Relative Altitude : +35.00
Those numbers seem unlikely if you were flying from 3000 metres above sea level.
In Exif info the absolute altitude is only an approximate number but it should be roughly equivalent to the drone's ASL altitude (but it can be a few hundred feet out)
The relative altitude should be the drone's height relative to the launch point.