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Poor image quality


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2024
san jose
I am deeply unhappy with mini3 and mini4, the photo quality is worse than mini 2. Sad.
Just not crisp sharp but unsharp like over processed. If I photograph leaves in a tree it all looks like smeared out whereas mini 2 has crisp sharp images. What to do? I will add side by side images tomorrow.
Mini 3 , 4 have bigger sensors how can that be?
I am deeply unhappy with mini3 and mini4, the photo quality is worse than mini 2. Sad.
Just not crisp sharp but unsharp like over processed. If I photograph leaves in a tree it all looks like smeared out whereas mini 2 has crisp sharp images. What to do? I will add side by side images tomorrow.
Mini 3 , 4 have bigger sensors how can that be?
If you post a couple of examples, someone might be able to see what's going on and help you achieve better results.

Upload full-sized original examples to Dropbox, Google drive or similar and post a link here.
If you post a couple of examples, someone might be able to see what's going on and help you achieve better results.

Upload full-sized original examples to Dropbox, Google drive or similar and post a link here.
Thanks will do.i meant to post 100% view screenshots with side by side from same object.
I am deeply unhappy with mini3 and mini4, the photo quality is worse than mini 2. Sad.
Just not crisp sharp but unsharp like over processed. If I photograph leaves in a tree it all looks like smeared out whereas mini 2 has crisp sharp images. What to do? I will add side by side images tomorrow.
Mini 3 , 4 have bigger sensors how can that be?
I would ask are you comparing images from the memory card in the drones and not low resolution images from the screen device ?
Thanks will do.i meant to post 100% view screenshots with side by side from same object.
If you can post full-size originals as described above, the metadata will be intact to allow the settings to be checked.
here are comparison pics - please check left and right on each image. one is mini 2 and other mini 4. though not exactly the same identical view it is roughly same are and lighting is similar. i think good enough to see that one is clearly worse. you tell me which side left or right is better. i also attach 2 originals from mini 2 , 3.
looking forward to your input. at this point the mini4 pics are unacceptable


  • Screenshot (172) compare mini3 mini4.png
    Screenshot (172) compare mini3 mini4.png
    2.2 MB · Views: 71
  • Screenshot (173) compare mini3 mini4.png
    Screenshot (173) compare mini3 mini4.png
    3.6 MB · Views: 63
  • Screenshot (174) compare mini2 mini4.png
    Screenshot (174) compare mini2 mini4.png
    2.6 MB · Views: 59
  • DJI_20240606061942_0004_D mini4.JPG
    DJI_20240606061942_0004_D mini4.JPG
    7.6 MB · Views: 51
  • mini2-Photo_6553620_DJI_20_jpg_5322579_0_202182316240_photo_original-mini2.jpg
    5.3 MB · Views: 58
Are both cameras on the same settings? It doesn't appear so. If you have identical settings on identical subjects (or as close as possible), then maybe there is an issue.
You would do better to post the full sized image as suggested by Meta4.
I would also suggest that the points of view for each individual pair should be as close to identical as you can get them and square to the subject.
i never changed any settings but exposure EV values. other than this camera is in AUTO mode. i posted 2 original images. even the scenes are not dead on the same yo can see that the mini 4 right side images are just not crisp sharp - like overprocess sharpness. anyway, basically DJI default settings. look at the leaves or the tree stump/branches - just fuzzy for the mini 4. no filters used at all.
You would do better to post the full sized image as suggested by Meta4.
I would also suggest that the points of view for each individual pair should be as close to identical as you can get them and square to the subject.
full files are attached already
Which post ? All I see are screen captures.
there are 3 screen captures - name starting with screenshot and 2 original jpegs. ok i am attaching them again here


  • DJI_0062 mini4.JPG
    DJI_0062 mini4.JPG
    5.3 MB · Views: 42
  • mini2-Photo_6553620_DJI_20_jpg_5322579_0_202182316240_photo_original-mini2.jpg
    5.3 MB · Views: 33
i think good enough to see that one is clearly worse.
But your screenshots don't allow anyone to see why.
I specifically requested full-size original images for a reason.
Your screenshots are next to useless.
there are 3 screen captures - name starting with screenshot and 2 original jpegs. ok i am attaching them again here
Only one of those full-size images has any metadata to show your camera settings
Your issue is most likely due to the settings you've used, rather than any problem with the hardware.

You haven't spelled out what it is about the images that concerns you, just that you are unsatisfied.
The images you gave for comparison aren't showing the same thing, which makes it impossible to compare properly.
Without some details of your concerns, image metadata and comparable images it's not possible to give you any real help.

Set up the 3 drones next to each other on a table. take identical subject. No zooming. Set camera parameters the same. Same ISO, same shutter speed and aperture. (I dont know if all three have the same aperture, I assume they are all f1,7)l Make sure they are focused on the same point.
Upload UNEDITED FULL SIZE photos so we can see the metadata. (ie all the above parameters as well as any sharpening settings you have set. NOT SCREEN CAPTURES.
I can tell you that your first bad photo was taken with ISO way high to compensate for low light shadows or maybe you had neutral density filters on, as the noise in the highlights is terrible. The one of the leaves is either slow shutter speed or camera shake.
These photos are taken 3 years apart, so conditions make comparison impossible.
Study up on basic photography, and what shutter speed, ISO AKA EV field of focus, etc. means
Sorry, I was in a bad mood.
haha no worries and that is why i like recall in some emails :).
so my mini 2 is in the trees somewhere (actually have the last GPS but could not find it because i assume it hangs in the tree canopy) - could not retrieve that s why no newer pics from that one.
then i bought mini 3 as replacement and was not happy because also limited obstacle avoidance - so returned
then mini 3 pro because it had 48MP pic mode -
mini3 pro i returned because i felt mini4 has more features (360 avoidance, waypoint etc)
i did not know mini 4 has no 2.7k video mode, bad. 4k needs much better hardware for good processing. 2.7k always worked for me well.
so i have only previous pics from mini 2 and some from mini 3 and mini 3 pro. currently i only have one drone which is mini 4 pro and this is where i doubt the image quality and think the old mini 2 pics look crisper. even not exactly the same subject you see the leaves in the mini 4 pro pics are just one smear without CLEAR details.
EXIF data is only seen on the mini 4 pics and none of my mini 2 have EXIF data for whatever reason.
but there are 2 original 5MB files attached which come right from the drone's SDcard. i see the difference clearly even in the screenshots. there is no crisp sharpness in the mini 4 pro pics just over processed edges. all screenshots are at 100% resolution and show also the difference.
i checked again with exif viewer and mini 2 file has no good exif data. aperture 2.8, iso 100
As others have said, concrete, objective data (full, unaltered images, metadata), and a detailed description of where in those images you see differences and what you perceive them to be is necessary to help at all.

FWIW, what I can say is my own experience doesn't match yours. I had a Mini 2, and have a 3P and 4P, and in my subjective opinion the 12MP stills and video are significantly better in all respects than my Mini 2 media. While subtler, I find the 4P images to be a small improvement over the 3P in 12MP mode, even more of a difference in 48MP mode.
As others have said, concrete, objective data (full, unaltered images, metadata), and a detailed description of where in those images you see differences and what you perceive them to be is necessary to help at all.

FWIW, what I can say is my own experience doesn't match yours. I had a Mini 2, and have a 3P and 4P, and in my subjective opinion the 12MP stills and video are significantly better in all respects than my Mini 2 media. While subtler, I find the 4P images to be a small improvement over the 3P in 12MP mode, even more of a difference in 48MP mode.
great, can you please attach a 4p image.
as i said many time i have attached to original pics unaltered right out of the SDcard- what more can i do, each about 5MB?

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