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Q: Have the secret service not figured out how to best use drones?


Well-Known Member
Premium Pilot
Apr 1, 2022
Too early to discuss? Why don't the secret service deploy drones to get a good look around the entire area and keep watch especially in and around locations where they don't have the manpower to cover. Or, are drones only to be effectively used to keep eyes on the public when they protest to make sure we don't step out of line? I went to a protest a few years back and there were a lot of drones flying around (including mine).

Seems like the perfect way to cover the entire area with surveillance not only for people but also for vehicles and you'll be the only drones flying in the TFR area. I don't have a dog in this fight but we don't need any more chaos and disorder in this country. I prefer prevention rather than reaction and countermeasures after the fact. Too risky to allow a disaster to happen. Hopefully this changes and everyone starts thinking more about the good things that can come from ordinary drones.
Too early to discuss? Why don't the secret service deploy drones to get a good look around the entire area and keep watch especially in and around locations where they don't have the manpower to cover. Or, are drones only to be effectively used to keep eyes on the public when they protest to make sure we don't step out of line? I went to a protest a few years back and there were a lot of drones flying around (including mine).

Seems like the perfect way to cover the entire area with surveillance not only for people but also for vehicles and you'll be the only drones flying in the TFR area. I don't have a dog in this fight but we don't need any more chaos and disorder in this country. I prefer prevention rather than reaction and countermeasures after the fact. Too risky to allow a disaster to happen. Hopefully this changes and everyone starts thinking more about the good things that can come from ordinary drones.
They've had them for years.... they use a special sort with two cameras using high strength ND filters.
You can't really prevent a surprise attack, the more enforcement, the further the length the terrorist will go to stay concealed to the very last second.

That being said, a tethered drone with thermal vision, telephoto, and a side monitor running facial recognition can dominate the surroundings, we will get there at some point, that's for sure.

Machine learning will crunch all the data you (and your smartphone with your consent) have been uploading to the net all these years in less than a second, will make a profile from you and set a degree of "potential danger". Whenever you give "positive" on the facial recognition test, you'll be arrested (at least temporally) before the fact, much like Minority Report.

PS: In this case in particular, a drone would have spotted the shooter on top of the roof in no time.
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A qualified shooter with the right equipment can hit a target more than 2,000 yards (1,829 meters) away. To effectively cover every scenario, you need to turn that distance into a radius, meaning the Secret service needed to cover an area that is effectively more than 4 square miles. Watching every person in that size area would be challenging.

I have no doubt there were drones in the air, but how many may be classified info, as is most likely how much area each drone can cover at a time. It is very possible the shooter could have climbed into position and taken the shot, which I understand was about 300 yards distance, in just a few minutes time between drone passes. Undoubtedly, more info is forthcoming on this event.
It was<150 yards. President Trump was riding with the Lord! And his detail did their job protecting him by putting their lives on the line. Those guys and gals are my heroes this morning!

After hearing the Joint reply at midnight, I am firmly convinced we will never hear the correct story. My first question was NO DRONE??? I'll bet the DC phone line were burning up with CYA calls last night FBI as lead investigator, the local police would do a more honest job. Congressman Ronnie Jackson is on the right track but will be stonewalled by the DOJ, and all the alphabet agencies. Ther are all politicized, after losing a Father and Uncle, Kennedy was refused a SS detail. Ronnie Jackson claims Trumps SS detail is smaller than other retired Presidents and intends to find out why.
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The Government has an anti Drone system called Silent Archer. The system uses bursts of microwave radiation to down Drones. I don't think they would be using their own Drones in the same area. As we all know by now the shooter was seen moments before the cowardly act. there was just little time to react before the incident. There are always lessons to be learned unfortunatly this one costs one American thier life ( along with a coward)
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I would so like to comment here, but fear my comments would be stricken and/or my acct. would be removed. Suffice it to say, I'm glad the kid wasn't a better shot!
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Too early to discuss? Why don't the secret service deploy drones to get a good look around the entire area and keep watch especially in and around locations where they don't have the manpower to cover. Or, are drones only to be effectively used to keep eyes on the public when they protest to make sure we don't step out of line? I went to a protest a few years back and there were a lot of drones flying around (including mine).

Seems like the perfect way to cover the entire area with surveillance not only for people but also for vehicles and you'll be the only drones flying in the TFR area. I don't have a dog in this fight but we don't need any more chaos and disorder in this country. I prefer prevention rather than reaction and countermeasures after the fact. Too risky to allow a disaster to happen. Hopefully this changes and everyone starts thinking more about the good things that can come from ordinary drones.
I'm surprised drones aren't used for these things too. But at the very least, have a couple snipers surveil the venue, and determine spots that would be good for sniping, and place assets there.
Placing a pair of uniformed officers, even local LE on that rooftop would have been a simple task. This was an inexcusable lapse of coverage. And before the rounds start coming my way, I’ve worked presidential protective details as a local LE before - the Secret Service is better than this.
Why don't the secret service deploy drones to get a good look around the entire area and keep watch especially in and around locations where they don't have the manpower to cover.
Could you imagine the headlines if the attempt was thwarted by a DJI Matrice. What would the Government be saying about DJI today! lol
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I would so like to comment here, but fear my comments would be stricken and/or my acct. would be removed. Suffice it to say, I'm glad the kid wasn't a better shot!
What you said is a threat and you just might suffer the consequences if the FBI reads this.
Let's hope NewMax or Fox put together an accurate statement about what happened. And advertise and air it! A similar thread has already been locked on one shooting site, please don't let it happen here. Please keep your remarks accurate and civil. There will be enough lies and hyperbole coming from the DC politicians.

Placing a pair of uniformed officers, even local LE on that rooftop would have been a simple task. This was an inexcusable lapse of coverage. And before the rounds start coming my way, I’ve worked presidential protective details as a local LE before - the Secret Service is better than this.
orionshooter....absolutely correct
I believe Mt-Ed said "he was glad the kid wasn't a better shot" I concur! Need more honest information on the "kid". Surely the FBI and DOJ are spinning right now.
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