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RTH. Is this something you use?

RTH vs smart RTH.... it’s been a while since I’ve read the manual. What’s the difference?
"RTH" just means "Return to Home". It's not a type of RTH.

Per the Mavic manual, here are the 3 types of RTH:
  • Smart RTH: You manually initiate RTH via the icon on the left side of DJI GO or by holding the RTH button on the remote controller.

  • Low Battery RTH: When the "Smart Return-to-Home" setting is enabled in DJI GO (see the screenshot below), DJI GO will prompt you when the aircraft calculates it only has enough battery power to safely make it back to the home point (should trigger at the appropriate time if not flying into a strong headwind on the way home). If you ignore this prompt, RTH will be automatically initiated after 10 seconds.

  • Failsafe RTH: RTH is automatically initiated 3 seconds after the remote controller disconnects from the Mavic.

I evaluate my flying environment and make changes as necessary

Enable Sport mode (always enabled)
Hover OR
RTH elevation

There are a lot of great thoughts in this thread. Make a list of those that apply to your flying environment. ESPECIALLY if it varies.
The only problem I have with RTH is that it goes too high before returning. I cant set the RTH height to less than 20m which seems way too high.
20 m is too high?!? Where do you fly?! We have sagebrush that seems higher than that!
I use RTH a lot. It's like adaptive cruise control, blind spot monitoring, and lane change assistance on my new car. It's there, it helps keep me safe and I paid for it so why not use it?
20 m is too high?!? Where do you fly?! We have sagebrush that seems higher than that!

I know you were talking to @Goanna but over here in my corner of Arizona I can fly for at least 23 miles one way and RTH at 5 meters (about 2 meters safety clearance). No Joshua Tree or Saguaro cactus to contend with. Where I used to live LOS was under 200 meters the majority of the time and RTH would be set at least 30 meters.
RTH is very tricky. Need to setup the parameters, then there is the glitch where RTH works differently depending on the video encoding. It is written that RGB video encoding is the only solid RTH mode.

What does this mean? What could RTH reliability possibly have to do with video encoding??? RGB video in what context?? Please explain.
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What does this mean? What could RTH reliability possibly have to do with video encoding??? RGB video in what context?? Please explain.

Over-use of abbreviations is always a problem in these forums. Someone mentioned "Hover OR", for example, without explanation, and even google could not help on that one ... :).
I also started this hobby in the early days when there was no RTH or gps positioning etc. it’s best in my opinion to rely on yourself first! I fly a lot in total manual all the bells and whistles are fantastic but if you don’t have the basics down pat eventually you’ll be crying LoL!
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My life's experiences (Military, road racing) agree 100%.

Well, up to a point. When I started programming computers, I used Assembler language. And knowing how to do that was important (and I still sometimes still is). But nowadays I tell my computers what to do using higher-level languages, or even voice or gestures. I don't write 50 lines of Assembler code to make my smart phone open a new app.

Same for drones ...
I don't write 50 lines of Assembler code to make my smart phone open a new app.

Same for drones ...

Agree but I would be willing to bet you kissed a few frogs before you got your feet on the ground. I know I did back in the day of the early 360's. Quite a few as I remember. The basics.
Always and never are two words that are always inappropriate and should never be used (most of the time).
Agree but I would be willing to bet you kissed a few frogs before you got your feet on the ground. I know I did back in the day of the early 360's. Quite a few as I remember. The basics.
Always and never are two words that are always inappropriate and should never be used (most of the time).

Not sure about the frogs, but yes, that was 360 Assembler code. Amazingly, just 3 weeks ago I got an e-mail that asked for an enhancement to a little program that I wrote in 1978 and last assembled in 1979 -- and it's still being used!
I use it daily, I film whitetail deer so I stay airborne till battery level brings it home.
Wow! Thats dsngerous if you have headwind on return it will not reach Home point! Happened 3 times to me before i underdtood whats happened "Slow Learned"
Wow! Thats dsngerous if you have headwind on return it will not reach Home point! Happened 3 times to me before i underdtood whats happened "Slow Learned"

Umm, that's why you take off into the wind, do the things you want to do upwind, then float back home at the end. Is why every airfield [used to have] a T sign so pilots would be reminded where the wind is (I use a T on my Mavic landing pad, for that reason).
I know you were talking to @Goanna but over here in my corner of Arizona I can fly for at least 23 miles one way and RTH at 5 meters (about 2 meters safety clearance). No Joshua Tree or Saguaro cactus to contend with. Where I used to live LOS was under 200 meters the majority of the time and RTH would be set at least 30 meters.
I live in that very same corner of Arizona, Bullhead City :). I need my RTH set 100’ or higher. The Palm Trees in my yard are over 60’ high, and lots of trees higher especially down by the river.

I like going out in the desert in my 4x4 and even out there the land is far from flat. There are mountains everywhere.

Where can you go for 23 miles anywhere around here without so much as a terrain change greater than 5’ not to mention vegatation or power lines? I have been all over the desert around here and I know of no such place. But if you know of one I’d love to know.

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