Just thought I'd share a quick piece I published a few days ago on saving images for contests.
Creating Winning Photos: 3 Steps to Optimize Your Images With Photoshop
I just put together a few entries for a local contest, and ran the numbers - I was able to reduce the file size by about 70%, with no visible image quality degradation. Learning how to use that Save for Web dialog is also a big help when exporting for Instagram. Square images can be 1080px wide, while landscape images can be 1080px wide as well, with portrait images at 1350px.
My background is more in photography/videography than it is drones, so I'd love to hear from anyone looking to learn more about their drone's photo/video capabilities - what sort of questions do you have?

Creating Winning Photos: 3 Steps to Optimize Your Images With Photoshop
I just put together a few entries for a local contest, and ran the numbers - I was able to reduce the file size by about 70%, with no visible image quality degradation. Learning how to use that Save for Web dialog is also a big help when exporting for Instagram. Square images can be 1080px wide, while landscape images can be 1080px wide as well, with portrait images at 1350px.
My background is more in photography/videography than it is drones, so I'd love to hear from anyone looking to learn more about their drone's photo/video capabilities - what sort of questions do you have?