Early at the 70's, a fishing boat named `Elisheva` went out to sea on its workday. The sea was rough, and it wasn't too long before Elisheva sent a distress signal.
A rescue ship was sent her way to try and tow her back. But the rescue operation wasn't successful, and the crew of Elisheva was forced to abandon ship and return home aboard the rescue ship, leaving Elisheva to its destiny.
But Elisheva was spared by the sea, and somehow found its way back to shore, where it got stranded on a beach. That beach became her last resting place: The shallow depth, and the weight of the water, are holding Elisheva remains in place to this day.
50 Years later, I headed to that beach, with my Mini 3 Pro, to take some photos and video footage of Elisheva. I edited a short video, and added some titles, to tell her story. It is all in Hebrew, but if you made it all the way here, you already know the story
A rescue ship was sent her way to try and tow her back. But the rescue operation wasn't successful, and the crew of Elisheva was forced to abandon ship and return home aboard the rescue ship, leaving Elisheva to its destiny.
But Elisheva was spared by the sea, and somehow found its way back to shore, where it got stranded on a beach. That beach became her last resting place: The shallow depth, and the weight of the water, are holding Elisheva remains in place to this day.
50 Years later, I headed to that beach, with my Mini 3 Pro, to take some photos and video footage of Elisheva. I edited a short video, and added some titles, to tell her story. It is all in Hebrew, but if you made it all the way here, you already know the story

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