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Air 2 Stunning Sunset Desert Hike to awesome cliff edge vistas with dramatic drone sequence. . .

Thanks Paul! I am so glad you could join the adventure, this one was something special. . . These trips are good spring training too for the much, higher tougher and longer routes. My safety is hinged on strength and speed when the routes are long and committing. Some of the longer more boring videos on my channel are truly mega battles for me but, I have a pretty deep reserve if I need it, rather not use it though. I'm taking slow damage when I have to.

I do think there are rattle snakes but, I have personally never seen one in Utah. Here at home, I see them all the time especial spring when they are hungry and cold. Then they need to come out in the open to warm up in the sun. I think the huge urban sprawl has really pushed them out of every nook and cranny. Generally I see them biking when I am covering many miles of trail quickly.
Man Dale, you must have been a beast! 18,500 at 60! That is a major accomplishment! Looking pretty fresh too! Staggering vistas as well. Would have been soo cool to have a drone there with a 3 mile range. I guess being that high might cause some issues? Likely need some special larger props if not motors for that super thin air!
Thanks Paul! I am so glad you could join the adventure, this one was something special. . . These trips are good spring training too for the much, higher tougher and longer routes. My safety is hinged on strength and speed when the routes are long and committing. Some of the longer more boring videos on my channel are truly mega battles for me but, I have a pretty deep reserve if I need it, rather not use it though. I'm taking slow damage when I have to.

I do think there are rattle snakes but, I have personally never seen one in Utah. Here at home, I see them all the time especial spring when they are hungry and cold. Then they need to come out in the open to warm up in the sun. I think the huge urban sprawl has really pushed them out of every nook and cranny. Generally I see them biking when I am covering many miles of trail quickly.
Hi Karl,
you´r welcome ? Thank you very much for the additional infos about you and the rattle snakes ???
cheers Paul