I am a newbie here, and I have been diligently searching for a good explanation of the rules. I see a lot of questionable videos with comments from people as to the legality of the operation. They all state what the rules are, or are not. Often vehemently. But many times they contradict each other. They have opposing positions, but both sides strongly believe they are right.
I am primarily going to address altitude, VLOS, and flying within proximity to an airport, as that is where I see the most confusion. I am going to write what I understand the law to be in regard to the type of flying I do, hobbyist. I can't wait to be picked apart by the experienced heads here. So take notes, and throw straight.
1. I believe my hobbyist operation comes under SEC. 336. SPECIAL RULE FOR MODEL AIRCRAFT.
2. Section 336 says the FAA may not make any regulations regarding my aircraft if, among other things:
a. It is operated within the safety guidelines of a nationwide community based organization.
The only such organization I know anything about is the AMA. Is there another one which qualifies?
If not, I will get back to their safety code later.
d. It must not interfere with and must give way to manned aircraft.
e. If within 5 miles of an airport, I must give them prior notice.
f. It goes on to say that even though they cannot pass regs on me nothing here keeps them from coming after me if I endanger the safety of the national airspace.
g. It goes on to define a model aircraft under this statute as one "flown within visual line of sight of the person operating the aircraft; and (3) flown for hobby or recreational purposes."
The safety code of the AMA adds:
Section A:
a. Cannot operate in a careless or reckless manner.
b. Not fly above 400' AGL within 3 miles of an airport without notifying the tower.
Section B.
a. Don't fly directly over people, vehicles, etc. And not endanger life or property of others.
b. With exception of Takeoff and Landing not get within 25' of persons.
c. Maintain control and keep VLOS with no aids other than my glasses
So, to me, I will avoid airplanes, and airports, and people. I will keep VLOS. That means vertically and horizontally. ( That seems to be a big item in this board) It doesn't look like VFR clear of clouds statutes apply, but I will not fly near clouds, as I could interfere with an IFR flight exiting the clouds. And as anyone could see, I cannot operate in clouds or fog, as that would definitely violate the VLOS requirement. BTW, fog is just a type of cloud. And the big catch all; I will operate safely.
That about sums up the regs as I understand them. If you have corrections, please do not just say what you believe. Reference a link to the document. Here are links to the docs which I used:
Academy of Model Aeronautics National Model Aircraft Safety Code
Ok, I am braced. Fire away. And, as always,
Fly safely, legally, and enjoyably.