Are those photos taken as stills from the camera or extracted as stills from video? They look like they were taken from video shot in 1080p60 from the amount of moiré showing in the tiles of the roof tops.
However, quality is subjective, and whilst moiré effect is to be avoided, there are ways to set the still camera up to improve a subject's end result rather than leaving it all to chance. Also raw images can be enhanced much better in post production than compressed jpegs can, and settings in the camera should accommodate the available light, colour and contrast best suited to the subject's environment.
By the way, your first photo looks perfectly acceptable to me, although the moiré distortion in the second is too distracting.
The camera on the Mavic is no Hasselblad, but it's a lot better than a mobile phone's still image camera of a few years ago, and other than throwing your phone camera as high in the air as possible on self timer, you have a much better chance of getting an acceptable image with a drone from a vantage point that is not otherwise possible without the aid of a helicopter, aeroplane or extremely long stick.