Tried my first hand catch the other day. Was not prepared for the strength of a
Mavic 2 trying to stay upright and in position. Had read that you should bring it down sideways at full arms length.
However the drone won the struggle, badly sliced my thumb and crashed. No harm done (except to my thumb and my pride)
really sorry to hear this. what did you try to do, how did it not stop the props?
did you try to pull it or tilt it? did it not react to throttle stick down?
so, i dunno how to state it for other folks - when you get drone low, get it to the level of your shoulder, step toward drone and slide hand under the belly and grab it firmly around the body. whant is expected to happen - drone at loiter should lower props spin speed a bit, it is visible and audible.
as you grabbed it - same moment start pulling the throttle stick down, keep it down - and as drone slows down props it will kill them in 1-2 sec.
if it is tries to pull up hard from you - DO NOT FIGHT IT! it means you did something wrong and most often it happens if your hand was too far from the belly - it thinks it is an obstacle. grabbing drone as it pulls up is the bad thing - that way it will give max current to props as it thinks it is not getting up. so, 'slide' hand part is indeed a slide - almost touching the belly, and needs be done reasonably fast. the sensor in front/rear will not let it go into your face - so it is reasonably safe also.
it is regretful so many folks get injured while doing it, dunno, may be somebody else here can offer a better write-up on how to do this. as i got used to it, i do it without thinking now, so it is difficult to put into words.
i would also add here, may be - it may help to learn to hand start it first, before catching. you will feel how hand movement during start makes it go up. overall - it is useful to have this skill, but, as anything else - it is not potentially the safest thing to do.