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Trip To Brazil with a Mavic2pro


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2017
I going on a trip to Brazil in January 2020. I will be touring many cities in Brazil, starting with Rio de Janeiro. I plan to bring my Mavic2pro with me...Are there any restrictions with customs.? Are there any licensing or is registration required To fly in Brazil?
Dear Sir/Madam,

In order to fly in Brazil, drones weighing more than 250 grams and less than 25 kg which are operated exclusively on visual line-of-sight below 400 feet above ground level (AGL) need to be inscribed through ‪‬ (only available in Portuguese). The process is done entirely online and free of charge.
It is important to notice that to complete the process, you need to enter a valid Brazilian individual taxpayer identification number or a corporate taxpayer identification number. To obtain an individual or corporate taxpayer identification number, access ‪‬ and follow the procedures. Alternatively, you can register your drone through a Brazilian partner.
You can find more information on the Brazilian rules for operating drones in ‪‬.
Please note that in some cases you may also need a flight authorization from the Department of Airspace Control. Information about this aspect can be found on ‪Departamento de Controle do Espaço Aéreo (only available in Portuguese).

Gerência Técnica do Registro Aeronáutico Brasileiro
‪Avenida Presidente Vargas, 850 - 14º andar - Centro‬
‪CEP 20071-001 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ‬
Tel. ‪+55 (21) 3501-5398‬/5400 / Fax ‪+55 (21) 3501-5440‬
e-mail: ‪[email protected]

AVISO DE CONFIDENCIALIDADE » Este correio eletrônico da Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil (ANAC), autarquia regida pela Lei Federal Nº 11.182, de 27 de setembro de 2005, foi direcionado exclusivamente a seu destinatário e pode conter informações confidenciais, protegidas por sigilo profissional. Sua utilização desautorizada é ilegal e condiciona o infrator às penas da lei. Caso tenha recebido esta mensagem indevidamente, redirecione ao remetente, esclarecendo o equívoco.
I may attempt to bring the drone to Brazil and do the registration while I am over there in Rio...Is there a risk it will be’s a mavic2pro?
I am a Canadian tourist with a trip booked for January 2020. I would like to bring a 900g drone with me when I arrive in Rio de Janeiro next month, I plan to do some recreational drone flying for personal use. Are there any restrictions/registration requirements for this small consumer drone?

This is the response I received:

Dear Sir/Madam,

In order to fly in Brazil, drones weighing more than 250 grams and less than 25 kg which are operated exclusively on visual line-of-sight below 400 feet above ground level (AGL) need to be inscribed through ‪‬ (only available in Portuguese). The process is done entirely online and free of charge.
It is important to notice that to complete the process, you need to enter a valid Brazilian individual taxpayer identification number or a corporate taxpayer identification number. To obtain an individual or corporate taxpayer identification number, access ‪‬ and follow the procedures. Alternatively, you can register your drone through a Brazilian partner.
You can find more information on the Brazilian rules for operating drones in ‪‬.
Please note that in some cases you may also need a flight authorization from the Department of Airspace Control. Information about this aspect can be found on ‪Departamento de Controle do Espaço Aéreo (only available in Portuguese).

Gerência Técnica do Registro Aeronáutico Brasileiro
‪Avenida Presidente Vargas, 850 - 14º andar - Centro‬
‪CEP 20071-001 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ‬
Tel. ‪+55 (21) 3501-5398‬/5400 / Fax ‪+55 (21) 3501-5440‬
e-mail: ‪[email protected]

AVISO DE CONFIDENCIALIDADE » Este correio eletrônico da Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil (ANAC), autarquia regida pela Lei Federal Nº 11.182, de 27 de setembro de 2005, foi direcionado exclusivamente a seu destinatário e pode conter informações confidenciais, protegidas por sigilo profissional. Sua utilização desautorizada é ilegal e condiciona o infrator às penas da lei. Caso tenha recebido esta mensagem indevidamente, redirecione ao remetente, esclarecendo o equívoco.

Would my drone get confiscated if I attempt to bring it into Brazil...I intend on getting it registered while I am over there.?
No, you shouldn't have any problems bringing a drone here. If it was brand new in a closed box, they might say you´re bringing it to sell to somebody in the grey market, but if it's personal, used and you bringing back with you, like a camera or mobile you won't have any problems in customs.
I have had this drone for about a year now...From the information on the website, I am required to register the drone for flights in Brazil, and in order to do appears I will have to apply for a Brazilian tax identification number, as a prerequisite for the drone registration. This must be done a Brazilian consulate in the country I reside(I am Canadian)...It can take weeks to get this tax identification number....I will never get it in time.
Do the Brazilian police strictly enforce the drone regulations?. I will not be flying over people or buildings...I plan to get some ocean and beach remote locations
No, not really.One of the most famous brazilian drone channels in youtube shows all sorts of illegal stuff in every video. He has his address and everything in the channel and was never bothered...

Big local artists normally have drones flying over the crowd in their shows too. People are actually surprised when the learn this is against the law.
Have you flown your drone there and do you have Brazil registration?...The biggest concern for me is to have it confiscated at brazil customs...when they find out it is not registered for flight upon my arrival in Brazil
Yes I live here and fly my drone (noobie), but only in remote locations. Yes I have a registration.

Yes I agree customs should be your only worry. But since you're a foreigner and it´s not a new, in the box item you're fine.
Do you have a drone YouTube channel...I am interested in learning the best places to fly and launch the drone from without getting noticed by police etc
Do you have a drone YouTube channel...I am interested in learning the best places to fly and launch the drone from without getting noticed by police etc
No youtube channel. Just stated flying now, and will fly mostly in the Amazon, so not worried about having people, just trees.

I wouldn't be worried about police, more thieves. I would look for isolated places, or places where there's people to watch my stuff, bars, restaurants, clubs, hotels, etc. I guess if you take off and land very fast you won't bother people much.
That is definitely a danger to consider when I arrive...I heard that one must avoid standing out among the crowd and one must blend-in and try and look Brazilian(Not like a tourist) it’s better to bring expensive drone equipment in a small backpack that is inconspicuous. A Brazilian friend told me that rio has some dangerous areas that are to be avoided, and copacabana beach is one of them especially at night.
I’ll most probably be using a dorm room...I will place all the drone stuff in the locker and bring my own locks

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