I appreciate you have strong feelings, and I respect that. With that said, I don’t want anyone to break any laws. I respect the law greatly. No one should fly in National Parks at this time. It is against the regulations. (Not sure if you are implying that I broke a law, but just in case, I’ll reiterate, the video I produced did not break any laws. I went to great lengths to ensure I was within FAA, NPS, and local regulations.) What I am suggesting is the law (well, to be precise, the interim memorandum) needs to be changed. This is a very American and democratic thing to do, and the right thing to do if you disagree with the law. Never break the law or regulations. As to drones in National Parks, I do believe limited access could be balanced with thoughtful regulation. I would have loved to experience the pristine scene you described (up until the snowmobiles ruined it) The closest I have come to that is when skiing early in the morning in Killington, on subzero days, when you get to the top of the mountain, there is a quiet that covers everything like a warm blanket. It is amazing.