I know this thread is old but I was hoping that someone could help....
I wish I would have found these posts sooner. I didnt totally understand the amp and dbi at the time so I ended up buying s little bit of everything and experimenting.
My goal is to be able to place the antennas on a building or container about 8 feet up and run cable down to the ground where I would be standing with the controller
So here is my issue. And unfortunately I dont have the testing equipment so here has been our standard test with the mavic air. I have a REALLY LARGE vacant building that we have access to. We have used it for indoor flying and then started standing outside and controlling the drone whilst it is flying inside.
We have a known distance for stock antennas and were looking to push the signal further with no lag.
So here are the combos that we have tried. The set up is this. Out of the controller we are running 6 to 8 foot cable to the amplifier and then the antenna is attached to the amplifier (and I have tried all types of antennas 1DBI, 7DBI, 12DBI both directional and omni directional).
Here are the different setups:
Just the controller and 7DBI direction antennas ( just stock..no 6' cables or the antennas up high)
Just the controller with no antennas (just the posts out of the controller)
Controller attached to 2.4 4 Watt amps (each powered separately) to 7 DBI antennas
Controller attached to one 2.4 and one 5.8 4 Watt amplifiers and 7DBI antenna
Controller attached to 5.8 4 Watt amplifiers and a 7DBI antennas
Controller attached to one 5.8 and one 2.4 4 watt amplifier and a 12DBI Sierra wireless antenna
Controller attached to 2.4 4 watt amplifier and the 12DBI Sierra Wireless antenna
Controller attached to a 2.4 8 watt amplifier and a 7 watt antenna.
So we literally tried everything. We thought we were going to see a huge difference flying in the vacant building. And they were all exactly the same. The transmission / reception was almost exactly the same. When we took the antennas completely off then it cut out about 20 feet shorter than the others but considering it had no antennas on it that was no that big of a deal.
I think I can get a little better push with the signal if i used helix antennas...maybe....
Any ideas why we can not push the signal any further regardless of amps and antrnnas??
I thought it was a great idea and it has been totally frustrating. Now I have a box full of antennas, amps and parts and I feel like I never made any progresss.
Any help.would.be really appreciated!!!