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Aug 28, 2019
Richmond Hill Georgia, USA
Video Transmission glitches on Mavic Pro Platinum with updated firmware and running Android 4.3.24 (latest release) on Samsung Galaxy Note 8. Read through other older threads and have reset all settings to factory multiple times, formatted SD card with both PC and the Mavic, tried older versions of the DJI GO 4 App, multiple USB type C cords (new factory Samsung data cord) plugged into the underside of the RC, tried the side mount micro USB port with different cords. Nothing has worked. The issue started with the first flight yesterday evening, Aug 27th. The first few minutes of the flight are fine (2 to 4 minutes). Then the video feed glitches to the point of useless. The RC maintains perfect connection and the live map in the lower left corner of the phone's screens shows the aircrafts position, and movements. All RC buttons and controls function properly. It's just the video transmission..... The screen will be at times; frozen, moving with high distortion, black and white (froze), black, pixelated, etc. Once this starts it may or may not clear up for a few seconds. Turning off the Mavic, RC and the phone (power cycle all) seems to have no effect. Perhaps something is heating up inside the Mavic?? The internal fan IS running on the Mavic. Haven't noticed one on the RC (if it has one). Taking pictures with the Mavic, as well as videos look perfect once viewed in the file location. So the Camera and Gimble do take perfect pictures and videos during the poor transmission experience. It doesn't matter if the aircraft is 1,000 feet away, or 3 feet. I had my wife take pictures of my phone screen with the Mavic positioned between the antennas about 6 feet away. Definitely no signal blocking issues there. I'll include those pictures as well as screen shots of the issue. Also, tried the DJI GO 4 app on my wifes phone, and same thing happens.
Please help lol......Resized_20190828_194951.jpegResized_20190828_194948.jpegResized_20190828_194951.jpegResized_20190828_194948.jpegScreenshot_20190828-194027.jpgScreenshot_20190828-194003.jpgScreenshot_20190828-194122.jpgScreenshot_20190828-194505.jpgScreenshot_20190828-194516.jpgScreenshot_20190828-193740.jpg


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Do you have another device to test with it? Maybe you’re mobile device - showing 5 bars of connection - what are your mobile device settings?

Are you in airplane mode?

Did you turn off wifi?

How much free space in wifi device?

Try another device if you can.
I tried it with my wifes phone (same exact Samsung Galaxy Note 8) with the same results.
I have tried wifi on and off, bluetooth off, Airplane mode, etc.
As far as space and basic specs of the phone, I will include them as screenshots with this post. The Mavic has been flying with this same phone for some time now, with out any issues. Maybe the latest update screwed something up?......Screenshot_20190828-212911_Device care.jpgScreenshot_20190828-212930_Device care.jpgScreenshot_20190828-212937_Device care.jpg
No IOS devices to test with - I have heard many pilots complain about a Samsung device not working well with go4 - I have to head to work but search for threads with your device name and see what you can find.
That's a good point about the iOS vs Android OS. I will have to ask a friend to download the App and use their phone or tablet and see if the issue follows. If the issue does not follow, time time to buy an iPad. If the problem does follow, it's a Mavic hardware issue.
The Joy's of trouble shooting!
Yes zero please follow up with us to let us know how the issue was resolved.
Latest update: 29 AUG 19 9:15 PM Eastern Time:

I still need to borrow an iOS device and try it out. I have a few friends who have iPhones so I will go that route soon. Hopefully this weekend, but Hurricane Dorian is looking to attack the lower east coast so that might put the iOS device try out on hold. As it gets closer, I definitely will not have weather to fly. Being just south of Savannah GA, and about 15 miles from the coast.... Weather is not favorable for the weekend.
However, I did fly the Mavic today with my DJI Goggles. I powered everything up as normal. After the approximately 3 to 4 minutes of flying, the screen on my Galaxy Note 8 started the glitches again, just like the photos in the first post. So I flipped the goggles down, and the video transmission was perfect as normal through the goggles. So, I continued to fly with the goggles for the rest of the battery. I had my wife keep updating me with the Note 8's screen condition, and it was still glitching the entire time.
Now, a question about the goggles...... Do they get the video transmission directly from the Mavic, or the RC? If its 100% through the Mavic, it could be an RC issue. If the video transmission is received from the RC, then it might be the Android device or the Android App. an iOS device will hopefully give perfect signal.
I also downloaded two previous versions of the Android App (APK). I tried 4.3.2 and 4.3.0. No real improvements..... I tried out both of these versions with a second fully charged battery.
I just do not understand how the video transmission has been perfect in the past, to all of a sudden (past two days) unusable with the Note 8.
Was there an update on the note? I have had computers where an update would screw up a lot of software. Do you have litchi on the device as well ?
No new updates to the phone in the past few weeks. I do not have litchi download on any device. I did recently download the B4UFLY App, and will delete that and see if that is an issue. That is the most recent app I downloaded. And probably the only app I have downloaded in the past few months.
The last update was July 3rd (I check the "about phone" software information).
The DJI GO 4 app was updated to version 4.3.24 on August 21st (App store screen shot below). I now have automatic updates turned off, and rolling back to previous versions did not help.Screenshot_20190829-231837_Google Play Store.jpg
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