The average recreational drone pilot is someone with no prior aviation related experience and who may or may not be aware of the relevant regulations and guidelines. The average drone pilot is not a real pilot.
The average helicopter pilot is a seasoned professional with many hours or airtime under his/her belt who is required to pass comprehensive theory and practical examinations in order to be issued a license to legally fly a designated aircraft. The average helicopter pilot is a real pilot.
The facts regarding this incident would indicate that the drone pilot was illegally flying the drone over people. Again, in terms of public perception and how the FAA would most likely consider the chain of events, the drone pilot’s actions were the cause of subsequent events related to the incident.
Again, the mainstream press is not (I repeat “not”) going to show any mercy to the drone pilot when reporting this incident. It’s just another nail in the coffin that the FAA along with the professional drone operator lobby groups are building in an effort to bury the recreational drone pilot community.
Please keep this in mind when bleating about whether or not the helicopter pilot was reckless or doing something illegal. It will not make one iota of difference when it comes to how the drone pilot’s actions are generally perceived by the FAA and the general community.
No one should be making any excuses for this guy, at least not publically and that includes forums such as this one that is constantly monitored by the FAA. Doing so will only help to strengthen the perception that the recreational drone pilot community is top heavy with irresponsible cowboys.
If the whole thing was, in fact, a staged setup then that fact should hopefully be reported truthfully.