I live in Colorado Springs, CO. The KCOS MAP (Muni Air Port) is Class C with a 5 mile radius. Oh, lucky me, within 1.5 of the center! I am 107, so I do have to contact. Regardless of Commercial or Fun flight, I still notify FAA via the AIRMAP for LAANC permission about 24~48 hours in advance. A telephone call about 1~ 1/2 hour before flight as well. I am also required to notify KCOS Ops as well (this is just a courtesy call, not for permission as they have NO authority to grant, that's FAA's job!) These phone calls go hand in hand with me checking NOTAMS and weather as well.
KCOS does receive and send numerous US and national, and international bigwigs and sometimes NFZs are in place. There is also high small AC activity in the area as adjoining Peterson AFB has an active Aeroclub and also the landing/takeoff field for the USAFA parachute club (who, upon take off fly over the city to the USAFA on the north side whereupon they they kick out the cadets and hope the chutes work!!!), three hospitals in the immediate Springs area with helo's, US Army Butts Field with AC and choppers assigned to the Mountain Post, not to mention the Springs area is an extremely busy area for VFR training for both Mil/Civ, and finally VFR map excerpts are reviewed prior to any flight. The USAF Reserve Wing at Peterson AFB also does a lot of flyover for both time cert and fix & check on C-130s. I'm just glad that Peterson AFB itself does not have a flying mission (except for VIP taxi service), otherwise I'd probably never get off the ground.
During spring/summer/autumn the parks are too full of people to fly without overflight of persons. The best area in town, so far as I know, is an open space area across the street from the new VA clinic. It's just boring to go same area all the time. Some local parks are great, but others are so close that DJI will not permit takeoff, because they are less than 1/4 mile from center. So, for me, the best option is to always be aware and keep trying to find differing locales for flight. I enjoy doing what I do, when I do it, and where I do it, whether I fly as commercial or fun. I just try to be as safe as I can and give no cause to cast any doubt on myself and/or fellow drone pilots.
I've cast my vote at 76 to 100% of the time, I do notify!