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What to charge for a client (photos and video) - construction site


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
Cork. Ireland
Hey Guys,

Ok - this might be a slightly broad question so apologies in advance ;-)

I've the opportunity to do a few photos/videos for a local builder on his construction site (a house build). I've only had a drone for about 6 months (Mavic Air) or so but am confident enough to operator the drone and produce decent output.

Guessing I should google what local drone operators charge (I'm based in Cork, Ireland) . He knows I'm not a full professional but am starting off.

Any tips on this would be great (I'll be shooting in RAW also!) or tips indeed on shooting this type of scene.

Thanks - Ro.
I think you need a commercial CAA licence to use your drone in a business

Thanks for the info. The builder is a friend of mine and the shoot is in a rural area - so I'm probably ok to proceed in this specific case. I'm in the process of studying for my full licence at the moment though. He mentioned that he might purchase the photos from me - but it's more that he's doing me a favour in that I'll get some exposure to shooting builds in progress etc. I googled yesterday some local drone service companies actually so I've an idea of cost in case that comes up.

Thanks Ro.
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Nice to hear you want to make the jump to commercial drone photography! Putting the other valid point and hurdles you will have to face when you do commercial drone work aside, since this is your first at doing it, why not comp the guy with the agreement that he allows you to use the photos you take for your adverts about your services and also ask if he’ll give you a written reference? If that won’t work, definitely take the local market price in account and perhaps offer half or 25% off.

As for technique, if he hasn't started yet and the site is close by to you, why not do an aerial timelapse of the work? Use a waypoint program to be able to keep returning to the same spot over time to take the same photo or video short over time. Also do satellite type shots and get some ground stills and video (you can even hand hold your drone as a camera to do it).

Good luck, and get those ducks lined up soon, there are opportunities all over once you do! ;)
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Hey Amann,

Thanks for the great advice - some good ideas there.

So the site currently is just the foundation so I was actually thinking of your timelapse suggestion. It could be a great present to the house owners too (that could indeed be a selling point too). I use the DGI Go4App but I don't think there are way-points on that ? (I'm using a Mavic Air) Maybe their on Litchi ? Ideally I'd like to stick to the G04App as I'm familiar but I can certainly try Litchi if it has way-points.

Ah I see this link now re waypoints and Mavic air (Waypoints)

Thanks Ronan
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Hey Amann,

Thanks for the great advice - some good ideas there.

So the site currently is just the foundation so I was actually thinking of your timelapse suggestion. It could be a great present to the house owners too (that could indeed be a selling point too). I use the DGI Go4App but I don't think there are way-points on that ? (I'm using a Mavic Air) Maybe their on Litchi ? Ideally I'd like to stick to the G04App as I'm familiar but I can certainly try Litchi if it has way-points.

Ah I see this link now re waypoints and Mavic air (Waypoints)

Thanks Ronan

Also look at the Virtual Litchi Mission thread here, it allows you to precheck your waypoints and shots virtually using GoogleEarth before you fly, a great tool and it’s free.
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