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Why you shouldn't buy a Mavic 2 or any drone that relies on your phone.

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Look, if he returned the drone then it's all a mute point, and I'm sorry for the bad experience. If anyone else were to read this in the future my advice would be to come here for help BEFORE giving up. The DJI help line is getting paid to help you. I'm helping because I ******* love this ****. The difference should be obvious.

The online community is strong, and having dealt with setbacks and misfortune ourselves we're sympathetic. I hope that people come here before they give up
*moot* Sorry, this one is like a bug in my ear.
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I bought one, a Mavic 2 zoom. After several days and multiple calls to support. I returned it. IT NEVER EVEN LEFT THE GROUND!. Do Mavic 2's work? Obviously, and they get great footage people use them all the time. But after my experience I will tell you why I don't think people should buy them (but of course, free country, buy what you want, but also freedom of speech so I will tell you my opinion). I am going to assume that people with apple phones/devices have better results because if they had mine, DJI would be out of business, I cannot prove this but I think it is true. I bought my M2zoom and I downloaded the app and try to sign up, error, no connected network. Didn't work, called support, they said try using the web site. I had other problems with app but eventually got to the point I could turn on the drone and controller. Connecting, error mag interf check app. Called support again. I had at that point reinstalled the app 4 times afer first suggestion from support. I searched the web DJI Mavic Pro "Mag Interference-Check App" problem still no solution. After being on the phone, the support guy says. You have to use another device. I told him. My Samsung Note 8 is supported according to your website. He said we cannot move forward without another device. My phone controls my other photographic equipment fine, some are free apps.

To preface this. I did my research. I thought I was getting a good drone. Many good comments and reviews. After I could not get the unit up and running, I started searching and I found all the problems and bad stuff. I am not an idiot. I know there are people who don't know what they are doing, and there are going to be some defective units. There will always be problems, BUT, are they reasonable and fairly infrequent? If there are too many or it is so complicated the average person cannot resolve issues, then it is not a good product.

So my problem with the Mavic 2. First it requires a phone. I thought this was good because it would lower the cost of the unit. But it is really bad. If you don't have a phone, you have a brick. DJI has to upgrade apps for both Apple and Android, I am betting Apple gets the higher priority. If the company is slow to upgrade, you have problems/brick/crashed unit. I had to take my phone out of the safety of its case possible damage to a thousand dollar phone. I had to risk damaging the usbC port every time I wanted to fly, the port connector on the side of the holder is of poor design putting undue stress on your phones port. Now back to the phone software. Android updates can break apps. If you have this drone 5 years from now will DJI still update the app? if not you have a brick. A new phone and version can come out and may be incompatible. You are adding another set of variables to an already complex set of firmware updates and app updates.

So after having problems I start looking on the web for solutions. I see tons of problems. You cannot fly your drone without firmware updates. If you go to location where there is no cell service, and you need an update you are out of luck. Basically, you own a brick, and if you have the right phone, the right phone os version, DJI has update the app like it is suppose to, you have the latest firmware for the controller, drone and battery, you are in the right location to fly, the moon is in the 7th house and Jupiter aligns with Mars, you have a working drone instead of a brick. You drop your phone trying to connect it to the controller and break it, you have a brick again, your phone gets wet, your phone battery dies, your usb port gets damaged, you get a magnetic interference check app error, the dog eats your phone. You have a brick.

DJI should have made a drone that works by itself, no phone, no bricking the unit if a new firmware update comes out. The phone should only add a nicer display, or perhaps some addition feature. But adding the phone and a host rather a huge number of other variable which are potential problems is a bad idea in my opinion. That is why I returned the unit.

Who is the audience for this unit? If it is professionals, then they might put up with all the issues and complex interdependencies. But it seems to me they are aiming this drone at the average guy, perhaps someone who has more money than they should and the extra income to buy a new toy. Well I can tell you right now, if the app is not perfect, the registration process works easily, the startup and update is process less than 15 mins DJI is going to have a lot of returns this Christmas. The drone should fly right out of the box with little fuss. If not this is not a product for the masses and DJI should include the information I posted above to discourage joe average from buying this drone or there are going to be a million factory refurbished Mavic 2's out there.. like mine. If I would have read a post like this one explaining the problems and complex interdependences and the possibilities I would have never bought one. I know this for a fact. I bought a Ford F350 diesel back in 2004. That year the messed up the firmware updates over and over again, because the firmware on the turbo, fuel injection, transmission, and monitoring systems were dependent on each other. Ford bought that truck back from me and thousand of new ford truck owner (read it on the web) and now I will never own another one again. Just like DJI.
ZenPad Z8s with LTE works great
My answers are contained in your quote colored red.

@r1ch If you're still reading these I'm really sorry to hear about your issues. It sounds like some level of defective unit to me.
I bought my DJI product though Amazon. That way, if there's a problem I have a no-hassle return policy and I don't have to deal with DJI. Mine came out okay in the end
That is why I bought it from Amazon, in case there was an issue, but in hind sight, the local store was not that much more expensive and they might have been of help. But not a good return policy.

Unfortunately, many of the things you're unhappy with (including the use of a phone) are necessary evils for what they're doing here: making a drone that just anyone can pick up and fly. They could have made a whole standalone package, but the cost would have been prohibitive to the very type of consumer they're after, namely the weekend warriors.

I thought the tech was already plug and play. I would have paid more if I thought it was better. I do fall into the weekend warrior class. Perhaps my expectations was too high

I've built a half dozen drones now, from tiny indoor micros, out to full size photography platforms, and I can tell you it's not for the average consumer. It's not bad once you get the hang of it, and hopefully find an online community to help you, but the learning curve is steep. I started out with a mavic pro and found it a little constraining, now that I build my own drones I have a much better appreciation of what DJI has achieved.

I perhaps jumped the gun thinking they were farther along than they actually were.

Forced updates, loss of dongle connection / phone issues, no-fly-zones, these are all a pain in the *** for sure, but it's easier than climbing the mountain to make your own aircraft from scratch.

True, now days you can buy racing drones on Amazon prebuilt ready to go. Just buy controller and goggles. I was skeptical and it is why I bought the Mavic instead, I was more interested in video/image than racing really.

Man was not built for flight. It's a hobby of patience and perseverance. DJI has tried to make it plug and play, but there's a great deal of elements stacked on each other to make the symphony play.

If you do care to try again take it slow, and if you want to build your own drone from scratch hit me up, it's worth every penny :) (no phone needed)

I backed up my phone and re-initialized it reinstalled app while there was nothing on the Note 8 except the default apps. No joy. I don't think it is a problem with the phone.

I will try going out to a field again. DJI support is not open on weekends. I will probably call them Monday for last ditch effort.
I will try going out to a field again. DJI support is not open on weekends. I will probably call them Monday for last ditch effort.
DJI support is a lucky dip.
I wouldn't count on getting any intelligent or useful information from them.
There are plenty of better sources.

In just a couple of sentences, what's the problem you need help with?
Page 8, page 10, mavic 2 manual v1.0
Look for "Reserve Video-Downlink Port (USB)"

if you are asking that support help you troubleshoot the phone, I can imagine why they wouldn't suggest you use another device... they were helping you fix the issue you brought to them. They did however pretty clearly from your post suggest another device:

Did you ask him what was supported when he suggested you use another device because your phone is hosed?

As I said, they wanted me to use another phone. I don't have one. So what I did was backed up my Samsung Note 8, and I reinitialized it. No joy. I took it to my backyard, no joy. I will take it to a field tomorrow. I have one phone. That's it. If the problem exist still after I take it to a field. It is not my phone. I will conclude it is a problem with the drone and not waste any more time with it. I may call support on Monday if I have any patience left
Could you just "Cut To The Chase" my ADD is kicking in
are you having Problems with your new Mavic Pro 2.?

You do know the 3 is around the corner SOooooo.....
If I return my Mavic 2. I may consider version 3 if it does not depend on the phone, will fly without firmware updating and only after a year of beta testing/crashing by DJI fan boys.
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As I said, they wanted me to use another phone. I don't have one. So what I did was backed up my Samsung Note 8, and I reinitialized it. No joy. I took it to my backyard, no joy. I will take it to a field tomorrow. I have one phone. That's it. If the problem exist still after I take it to a field. It is not my phone. I will conclude it is a problem with the drone and not waste any more time with it. I may call support on Monday if I have any patience left
Ignore their suggestion to ditch the phone.
They have no idea and probably have never flown a Mavic in their life.
I posted some help for configuring Android devices earlier.
Install DJI GO on an Android Tablet or Phone (Step-by-Step Guide) - Phantom Help
Have you gone through that?
If I return my Mavic 2. I may consider version 3 if it does not depend on the phone, will fly without firmware updating and only after a year of beta testing/crashing by DJI fan boys.
A Mavic 3 ?
Forget that, it's probably more than a year away.
As for your wish to avoid a phone (or tablet?) that makes no sense at all for a camera drone.
Perhaps you'd be better off with a $50 toy drone?
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If I return my Mavic 2. I may consider version 3 if it does not depend on the phone, will fly without firmware updating and only after a year of beta testing/crashing by DJI fan boys.
" That is why I returned the unit. "
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" That is why I returned the unit. "
I am not sure what you are asking. When I said I returned the unit, I was saying, I packed it up in its box. I called Amazon, they gave me a return slip. I have to box it for shipping and send it out. I have not done that yet. As far as Amazon is concerned I have returned it. As far as I am concerned at that point I had returned it and it was going back. I have not yet taken it to the shipping store and physically sent it back.
If I return my Mavic 2. I may consider version 3 if it does not depend on the phone, will fly without firmware updating and only after a year of beta testing/crashing by DJI fan boys.

It will rely on a phone or tablet - even the Inspire does.

It will fly just fine without a firmware update as will the M2P.

You’re just plain mistaken in all that you think is wrong with DJI.
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Wouldn't buy one of those either.
If DJI depends on android, the next android update could kill whatever device it is. If DJI or any manufacturer does not update their app, it no longer works. I have purchase apps that no longer work because of phone updates.

Again this shows a basic understanding of operating systems. The crystal sky screen and indeed the drone itself uses Android but a custom fork thereof. DJI are in complete control of it and are not reliant on Google’s updates.

If Google release a new version of Android this has no bearing on whether DJI do likewise.
Look, if he returned the drone then it's all a moot point, and I'm sorry for the bad experience. If anyone else were to read this in the future, my advice would be to come here for help BEFORE giving up. The DJI help line is getting paid to help you. I'm helping because I ******* love this ****. The difference should be obvious.

The online community is strong, and having dealt with setbacks and misfortune ourselves, we're sympathetic. I hope that people come here before they give up

I will quote myself.... " Connecting, error mag interf check app"

I have several issues. This one seemed to be corrected by support, but it was short lived and came back.

When I turn on the controller, it says connecting. When I turn on the drone it says ….. mag interf then flashes check app.
I have taken it to an open field, same issue
Are you wearing anything magnetic?
do you use a magnetic mount fore your phone?
Is there a magnetic clasp on the phone cover or on your watch?
Is the drone away from all metal when you get this error?
Are you using a $5 cable to connect the phone to the RC? If so use an OEM phone cable on the bottom usb of the remote control.
Have you set up the phone to be used as a display? Androids dont come pre set up for DJI. You have to do that yourself, and it varies with models of phones. That is why Android people dont like apple, apple sets itself up for you.

On second thought, maybe you should just return it and maybe find a flight simulator to fly in VR.
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Look, if he returned the drone then it's all a moot point, and I'm sorry for the bad experience. If anyone else were to read this in the future, my advice would be to come here for help BEFORE giving up. The DJI help line is getting paid to help you. I'm helping because I ******* love this ****. The difference should be obvious.

The online community is strong, and having dealt with setbacks and misfortune ourselves, we're sympathetic. I hope that people come here before they give up

Yes, excellent advice r1ch. Its easy to get frustrated if new to this. Just take a rest, and start fresh in am. I think the ability to use phone or tablet is huge benefit. In time you may as well once you start to grasp everything. Watch some videos and surf this forum. Make it a fun way to educate and challenge yourself. You can return the drone next week if you want to. But, consider investing one more weekend at least. Big upside with nothing to lose but a little time. Go for it and good luck!
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I will quote myself.... " Connecting, error mag interf check app"

When I turn on the controller, it says connecting. When I turn on the drone it says ….. mag interf then flashes check app.
I have taken it to an open field, same issue
I haven't had any responses to any of my attempts to help you and am getting the feeling it's a waste of effort.
But I'll give it one more try ...
If you are getting a magnetic interference warning, there are two potential causes.
1. You have put the Mavic down on or very close to some iron or steel object like on a manhole cover or reinforced concrete or close to a live electric cable ..... or
2. There is an issue with your compass that is causing a spurious reading.

If 1, relocating away from the source of magnetic interference would fix it.
If 2, you can confirm by going to the Sensor section of the app settings to see what it's telling you about your compass.
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I haven't had any responses to any of my attempts to help you and am getting the feeling it's a waste of effort.
But I'll give it one more try ...
If you are getting a magnetic interference warning, there are two potential causes.
1. You have put the Mavic down on or very close to some iron or steel object like on a manhole cover or reinforced concrete or close to a live electric cable ..... or
2. There is an issue with your compass that is causing a spurious reading.

If 1, relocating away from the source of magnetic interference would fix it.
If 2, you can confirm by going to the Sensor section of the app settings to see what it's telling you about your compass.

As I explained earlier. I tried inside and outside my house and in an open field. I also explained. I cannot go anywhere in the app. I am stuck on a screen that asks me to open the props and turn on the mavic. The connect to drone button is grayed out. So I can't go to or have ever seen the sensor screen you are talking about or even the settings button.
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