People do ask questions don't they? One of the things I have noticed is that they ask questions right when you are flying - which in my opinion can be a little rude. If I am in the mood, I bring it down to land and answer their questions. The only problem is, if I am practice flying at an Aerodrome, I lose my turn when flying. There are some very conscientious and polite people sometimes too who wait until I land and then ask questions. Police officers are like that. They tend to take their break at the Aerodrome and watch the flights. People that wait are awesome and I spend a lot more time with them. The rude ones are the ones that not only demand an answer to a question while you fly, but when you land try to start touching the drone. That's where I draw the line. I have a can of mace (which I have not used yet) ready for those idiots.