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1st lost connection issue question


New Member
Jan 9, 2018
Half a mile out from my driveway, I hit the "home" button. RC asks if I want to come home, "yes"! RC disconnects and the voice over says "landing"! OMG, my heart stopped. I'm over I-83 in Baltimore County, Maryland. I tried 3X to abort the Home (which has now turned into landing on the highway. After about 30 seconds (and now at 36 FT from 150 FT) the RC connects. I took it back up and flew home manually. Is the antenna the problem? Is this a common issue? I'm now thinking of upgrading the RC antenna.....
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For one, do you have the Mavic set to "land" if you lose signal? Change that to "hover" or "rth" right away! I've never lost signal with my Mavic but I'm sure that it can happen depending on the environment.
Oh and you can get ant if you want or fly shorter distances in bad environments. There's a meter that tells you your signal strength. I'd pay close attention to it from now on!

I'm sorry if I'm busting your balls. It's just that people blame the equipment all the time but in reality DJI has provided us with every tool necessary to have safe and problem free flights with our Mavics. We just need to become better familiar with them and pay attention. If you do, you'll probably never have this problem again.
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Lon, agreed. I'm new at this and 57 years old! I checked settings and rth is set for sig loss. Thanks for the advice to check it.
Half a mile out from my driveway, I hit the "home" button. RC asks if I want to come home, "yes"! RC disconnects and the voice over says "landing"! OMG, my heart stopped. I'm over I-83 in Baltimore County, Maryland. I tried 3X to abort the Home (which has now turned into landing on the highway. After about 30 seconds (and now at 36 FT from 150 FT) the RC connects. I took it back up and flew home manually. Is the antenna the problem? Is this a common issue? I'm now thinking of upgrading the RC antenna.....

Did you use the home button on the RC or the home button on the mobile app?
I had a weird experience today--I flew and about four minutes into the flight the iPhone app disconnected. Fortunately, I was close and could manually land visually. Launched two more times after a reset, and disconnect reoccurred both times. Anyone else seen this with the new App? Camera was in ActiveTrack and really didn't want to land. Remote seemed to stay connected and ignored the RTH command from the remote (not the App).
If you had the setting properly within DJIGO4 to Return to Home if the Remote Controller disconnects then this is what should have happened. Then once the Mavic Pro started flying in your direction (If the Home point was recorded upon takeoff) you should have been able to regain connection.

Try not to fly behind alot of trees or solid objects like boulders , mountains , big buildings , etc as signal can be lost.
The other thing I want to mention is that it's very important to allow the Mavic to fix it's home point before you take off. Otherwise, I believe it goes into a "dynamic home point" type of setting. In that scenario, home point is wherever the Mavic is. Then if you press the RTH button, it'll land where it is.
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I’m fairly new at this myself, but I do know you should use RTH on the controller, not the app because you could accidentally press the “land immediately” icon instead of the RTH icon on the app.
Yesterday with heart somewhat in mouth I turned off the controller to see if it would fly home, and it did.
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Lon, agreed. I'm new at this and 57 years old! I checked settings and rth is set for sig loss. Thanks for the advice to check it.

Hey I'm 52 buddy! This ain't no VCR and you ain't my grand parents!!! Seriously, though it takes some time to get used to the Mavic even when you've been flying drones as long as I have. It's so tempting to take right off but it's important to make sure everything is in order before you fly off. I always wait until the home point is set, the map is set on my location, I take a quick look at the signal levels, double check my camera settings and I always do a quick function check to make sure the controls are working properly. It takes a few seconds but it increases my confidence when I'm flying over water and around bridges!
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New to this too been flying mine for 6 months. One of my first time flying I had a disconnect and it did what it was set for RTH. FIRST thing it does is go to the height you set it at I was under trees so what do you think happen. Flew a few days then getting parts not my fault. A few weeks latter did a update cause i was told to. Go to fly and it just didn't act right so went back in and downgrade then back up was fine until I upgrade again. Then i would get loss signal 2 feet away and it had full GPS on controller and flying fine so up and down grading worked before well didn't work One other thing when you lose signal you lose video. Tried cable that didn't work. Went out and spent $300 on a new tablet so far so good
New to this too been flying mine for 6 months. One of my first time flying I had a disconnect and it did what it was set for RTH. FIRST thing it does is go to the height you set it at I was under trees so what do you think happen. Flew a few days then getting parts not my fault. A few weeks latter did a update cause i was told to. Go to fly and it just didn't act right so went back in and downgrade then back up was fine until I upgrade again. Then i would get loss signal 2 feet away and it had full GPS on controller and flying fine so up and down grading worked before well didn't work One other thing when you lose signal you lose video. Tried cable that didn't work. Went out and spent $300 on a new tablet so far so good
If I know I’m going to fly under trees, and there’s plenty where I live, I change from “RTH” to “Hover”. You can change it while you are flying. If it were to lose signal it would hover, though I haven’t had that happen yet. I’ve experimented and it worked.
One important point is to make sure, on takeoff, that you get to 30 ft altitude. Let the MP hover there for a little bit so the takeoff point details are properly recognized. (Check the “Precision landing” checkbox on the app). Since I started doing this, the MP lands within inches of the takeoff point.
Also, everything that everyone else said.
Lon, agreed. I'm new at this and 57 years old! I checked settings and rth is set for sig loss. Thanks for the advice to check it.

I’m 59, RTH works fine for me [emoji1]
Then are you certain that you did not press the autoland button, which is right next to the RTH button, by mistake?

To repeat what sar104 said, which button did you press?

Yes I stay away from them as well. For one, touch screens can be imperfect. For another if you are stressed it would be an easy mistake to make. Lastly, depending on what device you use and it's size, those "buttons" can be very close together and at 6'4" 260 lbs I have some pretty thick fingers!!! I could easily see myself having that problem.

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