I can't believe that I'm about to say this... It appears to be a WunderThread.
What's, "GE?"
Good Enough.
Other acronyms useful for Mavic pilots:
FFSRTOP = FFS + Read The Original Post
RTFM = something that nobody ever does
ATOP = Above Take-Off Point
YADA = Yet Another Drone Acquisition (YADA YADA YADA... )
YADWRC = Yet Another Dude With RC (in drone footage)
SOL = ios user pulling last hair out their head because Go 4 is constantly crashing and there's no cure
HHCTPB = How Hard Could This Possibly Be? (like someone asking if anyone is using Moverios while there's a whole forum just for that, how hard is to just look at the list of forums?)
etc. etc.
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