Sounds great to me I will go with that lol. Thanks
Here are a couple of good sites for you if you are not aware of them already. The first is a National Research Council (NRC) website with a map that is fairly accurate in relation to where you can legally fly in Canada.
Amherst has an Aerodrome, but there are no legal issues in relation to flying in that area.
Aerodrome. Drone operations are permitted within the 1 nautical mile zone indicated by the yellow filled circle. Caution is advised, however, due to potential helicopter traffic. Operations when other aircraft are present are strongly discouraged.
When I am planning on flying somewhere that I am not familiar with, I check both the NRC map and the DJI map. The two do not always agree - there are times the DJI software will not allow you to fly where it is legal to do so in Canada, and times it willl allow you to fly in areas that are supposed to be prohibited.
Here is the link to the DJI site:
You can see on the screenprint below that DJI restricts max height on the flight paths into Charlottetown Airport, but this is not required under the TC regulations - you just have to stay under 400 ft where it is legal to fly.
No DJI restrictions around Amherst, but you cannot fly over prisons (and drop contraband).
Here is the NRC map showing Amherst and the aerodrome. The Confederation Bridge is a no fly zone.

Cape Tormentine is a great place to fly. Nice wharf, some fishing boats, a lighthouse, and a nice view of the Confederation Bridge, but you are well away from it.