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Anyone on here have inside info on LAANC airport roll-out info?


Active Member
Oct 11, 2018
I'm trying to figure out when US territories will be fully integrated and operational. I want to use LAANC in Guam. Using AirMap I can see all the grids, rules, etc concerning LAANC. When I submit a recreational notification it tells me I may be violating the rule about notifying the airport (within class D). It also shows a phone number to call (Which is the airport office. We'll see how that call goes). It says something similar when doing a part 107 submission. I think it said somewhere the services will be coming soon to the area, but that's all.

Thanks for any info!
I've called the airports. That's no big deal. Generally, they are friendly, curious, and helpful.
I fly in northwest Arkansas. LAANC is not yet operational here.
I've spoken with the local administrator, and was told the pilot program of 500 airports is complete, and that all airports will be accessible for 'instant' authorization by the end of 2019. Supposedly, they are doing X number of the airports per quarter, which to me means there is a planned roll out, and not just these now those then approach.
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End of 2019 eh? Not too bad. I guess I should just be grateful this system exists.
The approval process is quick when its available in your area. I hope people are using the system and that it keeps growing.
The approval process is quick when its available in your area. I hope people are using the system and that it keeps growing.
I studied and passed the 107 solely for the purpose of using LAANC, so I am anxious to use it. LAANC seems like a significant step forward. When I review Airmap, they note that I have 157 advisories, and list the same airport 157 times...What am I supposed to make of that?
Oddly enough, I understand now that we don't need the 107 to utilize LAANC...oh, well...not likely I'll sit for the exam a second time as I only fly for fun.
I think it is in the best interests of airports for LAANC adoption to keep growing. Though only a small percentage of flyers actually call the airports, those that do are causing interruptions to more important matters to monitor.
Another advancement is that DJI has dropped Airmap and is partnering with another third party that has reduced the warning zone away from the 5 mile radius circle (which was ridiculous) to a more streamlined bow tie shape that is the actual flight path of approaching and departing manned aircraft. Supposedly, it will be in an app update come November.
So, while it seems at times there is a regulatory clampdown in progress, other signs indicate otherwise.
When I review Airmap, they note that I have 157 advisories, and list the same airport 157 times...What am I supposed to make of that?

Hmmmm. I wonder if the app keeps track of where you have been? maybe even somehow gets that info from elsewhere for the time before you had the app?
Have you flown in the area of an airport 157 times?
Hmmmm. I wonder if the app keeps track of where you have been? maybe even somehow gets that info from elsewhere for the time before you had the app?
Have you flown in the area of an airport 157 times?
No. its not like that.
When it shows a ridiculous number like that, I close the app then fire it up again to learn of a 1/2 dozen or so legitimate advisories. However, the closest airport is still listed 2 to 3 times. One of the listing notes that manual authorization is coming soon, and another that automated authorization is coming soon. Obviously, it varies and needs tweaking.
I always look at the advisories, but I rely on the circle image around the airports/heliports and the altitude permitted by proximity (grid 'square'), if granted.
BTW 162 is the most it's ever shown
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